Sunday, March 12, 2006

Nortenos With Crips Get Along

We're going!

Dear Readers:

When CPI began work on August 11, 2004 , there was no expiration date or a long term project. It was a project to hang out and share some things that I thought they should be shared. A year later, nearly seven months ago, Patxi joined the ICC project, which since then has gotten better (in visits, in good mood and quality of the comments. And hopefully, ahem, who as entries, but we are not targets).

But everything in life has a catch. And we are faced with one. ICC ends as you know it. Why? Because the circumstances so require.

Surely, more than a regular reader has choked on coffee, or in the office speechless (yes, in the office, that these peaks of visits at 9 AM we love:))

Making a long story short, the case is:

We moved!

Starting today, you can find us at:

ICC launches blog on Wordpress, increased and improved version with more potential for expansion and with renewed energy! How really believed they would be able to get rid of us so easily?!

The new CPI syndication feed is

If you want to subscribe to the comments, you can do in

Before they go from here to there, dear readers, we ask all those who link to update the address . We appreciate it very much. It also works if you put the www in front, but we prefer the shorter version of our leadership.

Blogger has given us a good service for many months, but now the party starts. We read in CPI ! Remo, and Patxi


How Long To Recover From Bladder Surgery

Nostalgia: Mahna Mahna

quite a journey for children, or mine, at least:

Menudo flashback! And it seems that I'm stuck in the week of nostalgia ...

Before reading further. Critical question: with whom you feel identified? "With creatures with pink or orange hair?

Why ask? Because it is interesting to reinterpret concerning children. In this class, was trying to convey to children the concept of social pressure. If you look, the orange-haired creature not only wants to sing "Mahna Mahna", but has expressed an interest beyond that repertoire, to leave all his soul, his improvisation. But the two pink creatures ("cows?), Representing the rest of society, quierene only express a part that rhymes with his speech. First the cows are behaving in a very formal, just dancing and singing to the rhythm and everything it touches. When the bug out of the script, I suppressed to express their improvisations and impulses. Shake their heads and socially isolated, do not listen. They work quietly, as who knows the power of the flock is with them. And only you do chorus (give recognition) when you sing "Mahna Mahna."

For its part, the individual is anxious orange from the beginning, and we see that it moves a lot, suddenly enters the scene. In addition we represent it slightly feral (beard and short hair care). The individual tries to express his impulses and improvisation once spontaneously and the cows will shake their heads. Up to squint when given negative feedback. Sing what is expected of the "Mahna Mahna" and disappears into the bottom of the screen, depressed. Begins to act strangely: Sing what you want, but leave him where least expected. In a second attempt, reaffirmed their improvisational singing with strength, energy, between the two cows. But he realizes that he is isolated, squint hard and resigned sings what they ask of him, "Mahna Mahna." Now behaves even more strangely and appears to defy the law of gravity (as David H, but better).

The monster, wild, back to cobble together a third time, but it comes at a secondary level, behind the cows. Is rejected, depressed, squints and goes to the rear of the stage. While removing the background, singing "Mahna Mahna" when appropriate, but each time with less strength. In contrast, social cows maintain their power in front the image and do what is expected of them. Throughout the video, it is impossible to guess whether the cows had at some time wishes than what is expected of them. Fourth

improvisation. From the margins of society, or the stage and almost no voice, the monster your party is mounted. Even in the distance is none for the cows. Faced with such pressure, the monster accept the rules, runs back to the forefront of the stage to sing "Mahna Mahna." In the rest of the video and after four attempts, it will not try to improvise. But the urge is within you and moves ever more chaotic, leaving the fixed plane, shouts to Kermit, the study will, yes, and only singing "Mahna Mahna." And even in the distance, is forced by pressure to sing "Mahna Mahna" by telephone.

Within 3 minutes, the monster has been socialized and acts in accordance with the standards and against their impulses. So we all remember so well the video! So so funny! I wondered why you felt he identified at the start!

And the old men's final? No idea, but I bet they are the ones who tamed the cows at first.

A simple video for kids? I think not. I think a powerful lesson that we have all internalized. Should never underestimate the power of symbols and visual metaphors!

Finally, if you need the letter to analyze the song, here it is.

Mahna Mahna Do doo be-do-do Mahna Mahna

Do do-do do Mahna Mahna

Do doo be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do be-do-do-doodle do do do-doo do!

Categoríass: Nostalgia

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Average Heating Bill Calgary

A meme

An introductory cartoon: Do you remember, dear readers, the meme of "my 5 weird habits? So I spent a couple of colleagues bitacoreros to be happy and I read daily. But I said no, because it had rejected a previous person meme (which I did not know) and did not want make it less. Big mistake.
Personally, I do not send memes. Not for anything special, but because I feel uncomfortable forcing people to write about something. Which is not to say that I really bother to send me a meme, of course. Each enjoys its own contradictions.

I think it's useless to try to escape the memes. So taking advantage of Tellagorri Mike sends us the meme of four, I will take them to school and the meme tip of my 5 weird habits. Hairanakh , Alf, thanks for sending it. Late, but here it is.


Four jobs I've had (in addition the current, which is a research fellow)
1. Translator and proofreader
2. Violin teacher, computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, technical drawing and English. It's a hard life of the research scholar.
3. Journalism in a digital newspaper.
4. Writer of computer manuals (basic, one has its limits)

Four movies I can watch again and again
1. Groundhog Day.
2. Top Secret
3. Memento
4. Heck to the butler, how long has the Maroma (just kidding:))

Four places I've lived (in addition to current, which is Madrid)
1. Rome (3 years)
2. Mexico City (3 years)
3. San Jose, California (1 year)
4. Ceuta (3 years)

Four TV shows I like to see
1. House
information 3. And YaST. Do not watch much TV.

Four places I've gone on vacation
1. Australia
2. New Zealand
3. Tunisia
4. Azores, Puerto Rico, Aruba, Curaçao (Dutch Antilles), Cape Canaveral (Florida), Jacksonville (Florida), Plymouth (England) and Lisbon (were not a holiday, it was my military service in a frigate, but I enjoyed it so much that I state here . That was milis and not now!)

Four of my meals Preferred
1. Pasta
2. Grilled meat
3. Padrón peppers with Galician octopus (or vice versa)
4. Calamari sandwich (Yes, I am of Madriz, what happens?)

Four websites I visit daily
1. digital newspapers and other
2. CPI (of course)
3. Hispalibertas (of course)
4. And a few more blogs found between Tempus Fugit, Hairanakh's, Malaciencia, Microserfs ...

Four places I'd rather be right now Right now I'm super
. But there are things that I have left to do:

1. Swimming with sharks in South Africa.
2. See the aurora borealis in Hammerfest (Norway)
3. Stepping
Antarctica 4. Browse the Indonesian and Pacific islands

Four jobs I would like
1. Professional Bitacorero
2. Popularizer of science in Radio and TV
3. Physical working on space projects for the European Space Agency (Oh, no! That's not:))
4. Literary critic. Four famous

I met
1. Ana Torroja. Hitchhiking took me many years ago. It's really short and wear shoes on the pedals of the car to arrive. Lovely.
2. Itzhak Perlman. The world's best violinist. While in California I was invited to a concert you and chatted with him in the clubhouse. I had only a year studying violin and trembled at its presence. Before going to the concert I had heard eight hours of recordings I had of him. A great person, too.
3. ... Hmmm ... I do not come any closer to the head
4. Four dishes

1. The cream that floats in the milk. Yuck!
2. Liver.
3. Kidneys.
4. Brains and other offal (I fully agree with Mike). Four appliances

I have unusual
1. A potato peeler in one movement
2. A starter of spaghetti in only two pieces
3. A kicker soda cans not to leave the foam
4. A hyperbolic paraboloid tester for Pringles potato

Four possible first impressions that I
1. NPI

Four favorite drinks
1. Beer
2. Dark rum with lemon
3. Tequila Sunrise (Tequila, orange juice, a drizzling of Granada)
4. San Francisco, non-alcoholic cocktail parties with further capable of driving back home

Four victims / perpetrators of this chain:
1. Whoever
2. Who point
3. Persons who consider

whom enjoy MEME "MIS 5 STRANGE BEHAVIOR" I was invited by

Hairanakh and Alf


Each player must post a message with the title "my 5 weird habits."

All persons are invited to play, also clearly indicate the regulation.

Finally, each participant will choose 5 others (adding the link to their blogs) to join the game.

Do not forget to leave a comment to the 5 people saying, 'You have been chosen' and asking them to read your blog and agree! Put the link

who invited you.

1 .- I can not go to bed without reading. Even when I was lad and came borrachísimo (to say) at home, had to get the book and read a few pages.

2 .- When I travel I love to stop in towns that are on the side of the road. This habit is inherited from my mother. We are Galicia Madrid record in 13 hours and Madrid-Valencia at 8.

3 .- A book is not mine to frame it with my name, date and place of purchase (and name of who gave it to me, if applicable). I hate reading books that are not mine.

4 .- Before leaving home I run the ritual: phone, keys, notebook, wallet, PDA, while I'm feeling the pockets in order. I always wear the same things in the same pocket. I always carry a notebook to write down up to things that come to mind. CPI can be ideas or the thesis. For a while recording voice memos on the PDA, but the notebook feel more like it. 5 .- I feel

semipatológica fixation by the color orange. I love small objects and oranges. The burner, the computer mouse switches on the light in my library, my mobile phone housing, CPI, my shirts ... are orange. I love it. I'm not going orange dress and my last car is no longer orange, though. Should be small things. There

people who pass the meme. If someone is targeted, welcome!


Reminder: contest is open the CPI images! Send us pictures! And we list the gallery .

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Famous Soccer Players

CPI Music & Role models of the 80

Warning: This post may hurt your sensibility, partly through my mental vagary but especially by the final video.

Dear readers, a drag traumas of all kinds. And in my case drags the trauma of having been a child in the 80's. As a child, the cultural references were on TV three and were very clear.

First, Team A: Four guys who, though illegal, were good right and left. And was a very human, and that each of them had great virtues (the leading planner, handyman, the negotiator, the fun and pilot) and large defects. Hannibal was a megalomaniac, addicted to cigars and had a fetish for costumes. MA was prone to anger (especially with Murdock) in sídrome of King Midas (obsessed with gold) and phobic aircraft. Phoenix (called Face, or face, in English) was a narcissist incapable of entering into intimate relationships and very likely to mislead people. And Murdock was crazy and was less reliable than a Yugo . But the team A contained a valuable lesson: Thanks to the collaborative team is getting great results individually would never have achieved. Secondarily also regularly learned: Always had a plan, always rode a armatroste with the torch, there was always a lot of shots, a car he was always flying, always escaping from Colonel Decker, nobody ever died by shots and plans always work out well . But the main lesson was about teamwork.

Then there was the unique MacGyver. The lesson was also very obvious: If you master the technique and are creative, you're ready for the world. And it contained a veiled warning: If you are a geek obsessed with technical toys and perhaps knowledge will be a good guy and save the world ... But will end the series without knowing woman! Reflect for a moment: not linking MacGyver ever. Although there were girls around him, TV was the most sexless character of 80, sexual intercourse had less than an amoeba. Not that it was misogynistic but it was too good boy. What do you think the girls in the audience? Finally

and completing the trio, the Lone Ranger of 80: The rate of Knight Rider. Michael! It was much better than the plains, and that he had a much more interactive companion Silver. Kitt in the desert with him, gave him and even made jokes conversation, which leads only and save a thousand times. The moral was also clear: With a good gadget and a good car (all in one), you'll be a champion! And amoebic're not a geek but you will be an action guy (wilt punches and kicks), in each episode you can flirt with pretty girls. The other side of the coin is that your continuous movement (car required) end up alone and elect a permanent tacky for a while ... But what Who cares if the end of the 60min leagues?

Thus grew one, and at least the system was clear who was who in the 80's. But everything changed in the 90's: The A-Team Crazy, came flying in Star Trek a few times, always causing problems for Jean-Luc Picard. Of the other three the team was never heard. What happened to the support they gave each other? For its part, MacGyver became the leader of an intergalactic command, traveling through the Stargate, and I did not use the Swiss Army knife, but superdestructivos plasma rifles. As I did not see the show do not know if it was more successful ligand for the Milky Way. What about Michael? Was fed sedentary life in the car and began to do triathlons until he burned his flab and moved to California as Baywatch. Once arrived at the beach, was cut permanent and set to work surrounded by girls who, after a career in modeling, saved people from drowning. The amazing thing is that his team arrived in time to save people, although they spent half the episode running in slow motion on the beach!

So in the late 90's, missing 3 of the A-Team and MacGyver jumping from galaxy to galaxy, I only have the Michael / Mitch as a reference model television. Living in the Californian beach surrounded by beautiful girls? That is the future! Where do I sign?

why I moved to California with a pretty girl, but I went too far north. In San Francisco the water is frozen (see Escape from Alcatraz ...). But here he was, according to my model Michael / Mitch, when I hear that has a parallel career that he knew nothing. In the Wikipedia entry on David Hasselhoff explain that, though little known outside of Germany! has a lot of records. 17 LPs since 1985, to be exact. ( if you are younger segment of the audience, know that this post be bored a lot and also do not know what a LP, asks in the comments ... ). The thing not

would be particularly serious if it were not for David / Michael / Mitch is responsible for the worst music video ever. No exaggeration, it even has its own website , which analyzes the images will spawn. How do I describe? Take a classic (Hooked on a feeling, the song "Chaka ouga Ouga .." which became popular in 1995 slightly to be on the soundtrack to Reservoir Dogs) and in 1997 planted David / Michael / Mitch in front of a blue, take a bag of hallucinogenic drugs, stolen many brothers costumes butcher knife and burn like crazy, that life is two days.

video is the worst I've ever seen! It may hurt your sensitivity because of the awful fact that is the subject of "blue screen" or the multiple overlays Eskimo David, David, Indiana Jones, David, Zulu, David-James Bond, David, and two girls angelitas, David-Eskimo hunting a fish on the fly and bite, David-Flying on a bike and David-flying to Neo in Matrix. It's almost as lysergic as IP video CPI. To give some historical perspective, in 1997 released this video and Men In Black. We are not talking about 1982 when it would begin to use the chroma. 1997! At that time, perhaps because they were shooting The Matrix (1999). It is incredibly bad! My note: Essential in your video library!

link to the video on Youtube

course, if in the 80 spoke with the 90 car and were surrounded by Baywatch, perhaps it is normal that you end up crazy like , right? And now that no longer exists Team, MacGyver is back but only for an ad and David makes these videos, I'm out concerning television! Where do I focus the rest of my life?

Categories: verbose personal and video

Reminder: contest is open the CPI images! Send us pictures! And we list the gallery .

Ppsh-41 Airsoft Gun For Sale

Clikclak - movie robots and child

in QuickTime format, reminiscent of the mythical or ad "Cog" for Honda (Is not it nice When Things just work?) (if you do not know, take the pleasure to download the 11.6Mb of "Cog" here) and things that go just as touching. Although instead of 606 shots, in this case is pure computer with a different story (and the end is not too happy):

Categories: Video

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Manfrotto 785b Modo Canon 5d 17-40

CPI Clinic: Natural fertilizers

Rafa asks, so only slightly eschatological

that you doing the blog. I discovered long ago and since then I have you properly "bucmarqueados." Keep it up.

wanted to ask a question about something I remembered yesterday and who once left me stunned, because I had a totally different idea. Let me explain: I always thought to urinate and defecate under a tree and it was beneficial to nearby plants by that which was organic matter that went to the ground, but last year I heard on the news in Britain about a Mr had to pay a fine because the neighbor was devoted to pee on this tree. What struck me was that this neighbor realized that something was wrong when he saw that the tree ever looked worse and decided to wait with a video camera at night, when he caught red-handed the culprit.

As I say, the news stunned me, because collapsing an idea I had for some since childhood. Will have to do with the plant acid or alkaline soil and those things? Or perhaps animal feeding urine? Or maybe that feces and urine are good bad? What then happens to dogs mark its territory? they should be fined?

Oh great group of wise men, what is the answer to this riddle that haunts me?

Greetings and congratulations on your new blog.

Well, Rafa. We are not agriculturalists, but some have found.

In principle, urine and feces they can serve as fertilizer, so you can rest easy. Of course, there is a but.

Urine contains, among other things, urea * and ammonia. These two compounds are a great source of nitrogen, which, as you know, it's good fertilizer. However, they are made too basic (the opposite of acid, but no less harmful. Do not drink a bottle of ammonia). Urine can be applied as fertilizer but only diluted to 10% or so. Otherwise you start to charge the plant.

With stool is slightly different. Human feces can serve as fertilizer, but they are much better the cow, horse, especially the sheep and worm. There worm farms specialized in production of fertilizers. Among the stars of the worm are the California red worms, composting can produce 60% of your daily food intake. The feces, however, must go through a fermentation process before being optimal fertilizer. There are many sites out there that have how.
For dogs, it is true that where a dog urine to mark territory there is a tendency for the next pass urine again to mark it again, which increases the detrimental effect on the plant. The trees are more tolerant of urine, but lawns can see brown spots on grass, "burned" that are caused by dog \u200b\u200burine.

* Urea as CPI data was the first managed to synthesize organic compound humans. What did the German chemist Friedrich Wöhler in 1828. Until then it had been thought that two chemicals: the objects inert (inorganic chemistry) and of living things (organic chemistry). This discovery shattered the doctrine of vis vitalis , saying there was a special made nosequéquequéseyo that the chemistry of living things. Indeed, the distinction between inorganic and organic is still present today, although for different reasons, of course. What happened to the synthesis of urea is more or less the same thing happened with physics before Newton. Since Aristotle believed that there were laws to the imperfect earthly bodies and other celestial bodies stop cigars. Newton threw this distinction to contrast with his Theory of universal gravitation, which explains both the behavior of falling apples like the planets revolving around the sun

Categories: CPI Clinic, Biology

Reminder: The contest is open images CPI! Send us pictures! And we list the gallery .

Buy Mario Salieri Film

The double-slit experiment

Following the exchange of comantarios interesting, this video does not hurt that we sent our friend Koji (thanks!). Unfortunately, in English and I have not got a version subtitled or translated. However, it is understood the mystery of quantum physics: observing electrons, they change their behavior, ranging between waves and particles as the look or not. There will be more on the double slit experiment.

Categories: Physical

Reminder: contest is open the CPI images! Send us pictures! And we list the gallery .

Gay Hookup Spots In Alabama

Cat Box, Part II

With the post about the Schrodinger's Cat I opened a box. It is not the cat box (you be alive? Be dead? Be bored in the box? Be anxious?) Or Pandora's box, but the case of quantum mechanics.

If, like me, you've always been curious about the subject (ie you've never understood) stop by the post comments Schrodinger's Cat. Very illustrative. Very interesting. Very educational. 100% CPI. Remo, . Fanshawe Why? If someone else wants to miss, we are in the comments of this post.

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Masturb And Groping On Bus

Cat Semaphores

Copied from Wikipedia:

The experiment Schrödinger's cat Schrödinger or paradox is a thought experiment , designed by Erwin Schrödinger to expose one of the stranger, a priori, the quantum mechanical .

Suppose a system consisting of a closed, opaque box containing a cat, a bottle of poison gas, a radioactive particle with a 50% chance of disintegrating and a device such that, if the particle decays, rupture the bottle and the cat dies. By relying on all the final state system of a single atom that acts according to quantum mechanics, both the particle and the cat are part of a system under the laws of quantum mechanics . Following

Copenhagen interpretation, while not open our box, the cat is in a state that is alive and dead at the time. At the moment we open the box, the single act of observing the cat adjust the status of the cat, making it happen to be living alone, or just dead.

This is due to a physical property called superposition .

I'll let the doctors who have ICC among its readers and editors to explain in more detail the wonders of the cat and its paradoxes, which have much substance. The text was in fact a simple introduction to the material ( SomethingAwful via BoingBoing ). A montage of a cover of "choose your own adventure" with Schrodinger's cat of the protagonist:

Is not that super clever? I love the supertitles: Choose between two possible endings! ICC Super! If you want more mounts, but not necessarily fun CPI, visit assemblies choose your own adventure .


Reminder: contest is open the CPI images! Send us pictures! And we list the gallery .

Unlimited Internet Hack Sidekick

Schrödinger evergreen and relativistic Doppler effect

This post is actually the result of a domestic CPI Consulting: I received an email at work in which, after a discussion about someone who ran a lot, someone began to joke about actually running so much because all the red lights looked like green on the Doppler effect. As an engineer, knew of the Doppler effect for sound but not light ... and asked about my favorite physicist, and I sounded the theme.

Since light behaves as a wave (and as a particle but now irrelevant), also suffers Doppler effect. Remo explained very clearly how fast it would go, and in this case we are not loaded enough with a train of trumpeters. Quote:

Knowing that the relativistic Doppler effect formula is: and we want a source emitting at 700 nm wavelength (red) see 500 (green), the calculated speed is 24/74c, or that is, more or less 0.32c
was a (very bad) of a physics student who stopped for a traffic bypass, and told the cop that the Doppler. That he had seen Doppler green, not red. And the cop, who knew physics, instead fined him for speeding.
So as (I bet you want) no one has a car that comes to 0.32 * the speed of light = 345 600 000 km / h, all to stop at traffic lights when they are red, are red. Although, come to think, to see who would stop going to 0.32c!

Monday, March 6, 2006

Microsuede Vs Microfiber

Clinic ICC

Manuel asks:

The other day, browsing wikipedia, I discovered something about Mpemba effect, but do not understand how it is that hot water freezes before cold.
Indeed, a great deal of physical release on the web.

Mpemba effect, estimated Manuel and readers, says that hot water freezes before cold in certain circumstances. But do not worry: if we put water in the freezer at 5 degrees and water at 50 degrees, water at 5 degrees before the water freezes at 50 degrees. Common sense prevails. So says the Mpemba effect is that water to, say, 95 degrees before the water freezes at 80 degrees. Yes you can surprise there, but less.

The cause: warmer water evaporates more. If we put in the freezer for a glass of water at 95 º C, when the freeze will have lost 16% of their mass through evaporation, more or less. A glass at 80 ° C, by contrast, have lost only 7%, again approximately (depending on the free surface having the container, freezer power ...). Of course, when there are fewer Water is easier to freeze. If you put plastic over the vessels to prevent evaporation, freezing before the glass is warmer, but now with less difference. The cause may be as much internal convection (and longer) of the cup warmer, which promotes heat transfer to the freezer. It may also influence the fact that the more heat a liquid less remaining dissolved gases, which may make it easier to freeze later. But the bottom

Mpemba effect is that not apply to any two temperatures, which I guess was what stung your curiosity.

Categories: CPI Clinic, Physical

Reminder: contest is open the CPI images! Send us pictures! And we list the gallery .

.toshiba Network Camera User Login

Mpemba effect as peeling a potato in a move

Warning! This post may hurt your sensibility CPI, as it is remarkably useful. After the video of how to fold a shirt in one graceful motion, here's the final trick for peeling potatoes in one motion. Requires a court preparation and ice cubes, is simply great! I test tonight at home.
the video is in Japanese is autoxeplicativo and clear. Via digg!

link to the video on Youtube

Categories: Miscellaneous

Reminder: contest is open the CPI images! Send us pictures! And we list the gallery .

Sunday, March 5, 2006

Hombres De Paco Last Episode-watch Online

Clinic CPI: The quack of ducks

Caic asks:

Good, here's another question for the ICC office:

Is it true that a duck's quack does not echo and nobody knows why? I found
this in wikipedia:
The sound made by Some female ducks is Called a "quack" to common (and false) urban legend Is That quacks Do Not produce an echo (false, Because the acoustic variance of Both a duck's quack and Its echo are so similar, They swallow Almost One Another).
This clears my doubts about the authenticity but what is this "acoustic variance?
Many thanks and greetings.

cutripeich translation of the text of Wikipedia is:
The voice of some female duck called quack (quack), an urban legend (false) is widespread enough that duck quacks do not produce echo (false because acoustic variations of a duck quack and its echo are so similar that they overlap almost completely).

is an old myth that we have seen in many emails. You then receive a list of things ICC, as the elephant is the only animal with four knees, and a cow up stairs but not decrease, and at number 38 in the list is "the squawk of a duck does not echo. No one knows why. " It is false, indeed.

The "acoustic variance (acoustic variations) are what we call" timbre "of a sound, harmonic combinations that distinguish the sounds. When we hear about someone, we can recognize his voice because it sounds a lot sound, but mixed in certain proportions. This mixture, which we have seen is called timbre, to distinguish a "the" touched a violin in another "the" burped by a baboon, for example.

had an episode of Mythbusters , highly recommended series in which they got with this problem. Indeed, the echo of a duck quack there but it was very difficult to detect.

In Salford University (UK) did a great experiment. They recorded a duck in an anechoic chamber (with foam-covered walls ua special geometry for no echo), then recorded in a reverberation chamber (right Otherwise, it is intended that the last sound as possible) and then recorded in an open field near a wall, to hear a single echo, if any. The results: very clear. The duck produces an echo. Tests:

anechoic Duck [. Mp3, 3 KB] (Tests were made at Christmas. Hence the cap of fat Lapp l Santa Claus brings the duck).

Duck reverberation chamber [. Mp3, 41 KB]

Pato near a wall [. Mp3, 4 KB]

After hear the second record, it is clear that a duck's quack has an echo, like any other sound. Even comparing the first recording with the third, we see that the echo exists and is hard to hear. If only we heard the third, can not say for sure if we hear an echo, but when compared to the first can be seen clearly.
have not found an acoustic analysis frequencies quack of a duck (unless it , but sound is modified and does not serve us. If the Internet has no information ...). One hypothesis about why you hear how bad the echo of a duck is that the sound starts very gradually, and ends the same, so the echo is more difficult to hear. All I've ever tasted: when we find a site with good echo, whichever sound you hear is a short and powerful, like "Hey" instead of "eeeEEEeee."

Categories: CPI Clinic, Physical , Urban Legends

Saturday, March 4, 2006

Important Events Ronaldinho Has Done

404: Page not found

For if our readers hate to reach link there, we present an error page in which may vent. You're welcome.

Updated : In Digg recently talked about the funniest error pages. There are a few that are fine.

Categories: Nonsense ,

Reminder: contest is open the CPI images! Send us pictures! And we list the gallery

Thursday, March 2, 2006

Toddler Adjustable Ice Skates

Bricomanía: Today we are going to ride a plane Clinic

Friends! Today we are going to mount a pair haul in less than 9 minutes. For that we need to hammer drill, glue gun, three cans of paint and a multimillion dollar investment in several countries. With these ingredients we go first few videos like this which joins the superb Airbus 340-600 in less than 2 minutes. It is a beautiful video:

And then a video of the brand new A380, 2 story. As this is bigger, we need the belt sander and 7 minutes to have it completed:

These two videos are very interesting. Too bad the music: in my opinion remains the heroic tone of the reports of major state projects (in the room I have a video about the amazing Hoover Dam) on early and mid-century. At least in the videos there is no narration scurfy-triumphalistic-technical development of the style:

"The world is wonderful compared to this advancement of technology. Thanks to this amazing project, progress and unstoppable moves inexorably towards the harmony of peoples, only effort and creativity of all {insert nationality here, eg Elbonianos} could give the world such a colossus of art, never before assembled a {insert advancement of technique here, eg plane} of such proportions. Representatives highest level of {Select from country, continent or world} world will attend the glorious inauguration admired ... "

The fact is that, anyway, and as much as I do grace the pitch, it is very interesting to see the videos. If you want to know more about how planes are assembled, visit the gallery airbus videos, very funny. The best part is the ads. In the quiet announcement (CPI own music, go up the volume!), Highlight something very true: The Airbus 340-600 is the quietest I've ever flown, I word that when I ride one of them sleep like a child ... to the despair of my lover who is a little lonely during the 11 hour flight.

Returning to our Bricomanía ... What do you think of today's show, folks? What do we have been pretty well embedded with the two planes apply?. You know, with a little skill and the right tools, we are here every week to join what is necessary. And next week, back with more DIY home.

PS: I know I found the video of the A340 assembly via someone's blog. That is, I know I've seen but I do not remember where things that happen when you open 20 tabs in the browser. Claim your credit in the comments.

Reminder: contest is open the CPI images! Send us pictures!
And we list the gallery .

How To Chicken Oil Out Of Clothing

embedded ICC: The shape of a half pipe

Rim asks (we have translated your email SMS the Castilian language, I hope you do not mind, Rim ):
Good for those who are on the other side. I have a question you do not know if it is useless but the less curious. What is the concrete form of the curve is of the skate park? Yes it makes a "U". I ask because today my math teacher has hinted that it is a concrete and studied, ie it is not made at random, and I did not know people asked where to go because I thought of you. That is my question and if possible also why. And the easiest way with 16 years old do not give to much, hehe. Well, a kiss and a greeting and thank you for those hours I spend discovering things with you.
PS: Sorry for spelling mistakes, but they are 23:14 and I have no desire to start writing properly, how bad are the phones:-p

As your question seems curious. But I'm afraid there is not much mystery behind it. Half pipe English means "half pipe." I guess because they started the first skaters to do tricks with a scooter used what they found there. And what is the half pipe? For half-circle, course. Here the shape of your half pipe. Raised edges are shaped like a quarter circle. Later they added a line in the center part to allow time to prepare for the next stunt.

If you search on Google such as making your own half pipe, there are some pages that give you more or less detailed levels. In one of these planes [. Png, 2.12 MB] clearly shows that the shape is an arc:

Let's look a bit more detail:

We can see clearly that the wooden supports are actually a cirunferencia radios. As supports are perpendicular to the ramp structure (to avoid time and maximize the resistance), we conclude that the ramp is circular.

snowboarding also inherited this way to his half pipes. Currently there is a company ( Pipe Dragon ) that almost all the half pipes of snow in important events. Did the half pipes of the Olympic Games Nagano, Salt Lake City and Turin. To make a half pipe, first dig a rectangular path on the slope and then go over the edges with the Pipe Dragon:

arm is seen that they use to shape the edges of the track is shaped quarter-circle:

And as they say in the your machine specifications: they have arms 12 and 17 feet radius. If you just give the radio, is that it is a circle.

Rim But this question suggests to me a few ideas, all ICC. Why is a half circle? I have it of course, began as a half circle because that was what was (and remains of large pipes), and this has continued with "tradition" and because it is easier to build. But there are other possibilities.

To examine the first, we must go back to the year 1696. That same year Johann Bernoulli published a "challenge" in Eruditorum Act. It is to find a curve on a ball later the shortest possible time to slide from a point A to point B, acting only gravity. It was called the problem of brachistochrone , Greek for "the shortest time." Galileo had hypothesized that this curve is an arc, but I was wrong. Five mathematicians solved the problem: Newton, Jacob Bernoulli (Johann's brother), Leibniz and L'Hôpital, in addition to Johann Bernoulli himself. The solution is that the tour is a piece of cycloid. What is a cycloid? I will not put the formula, but an illustrative image: the cycloid is the path following a point on the rim of a wheel when it rotates without slipping:

If we turn to the cycloid, be a kind of bowl. Dpositada a marble in the bowl, off center, take exactly the same to reach the lowest point, regardless of how high we let (¡!). This is the problem of tautochrone (same time), decided by Huygens.

image Mathematikum museum, the first museum in the world of mathematics in the city of Giessen, Germany. The blue ramp consists of a straight line and a brachistochrone. The ball falls through the brachistochrone falls before that of the straight line, although it travels farther. In the two-lane ramp that is red. It is a tautochrone. If two balls are placed at different heights reach the bottom at the same time. The ball travels higher up but reaches farther faster because the slope is greater.

Updated : Odo (thanks!) Provide us with a great animation on three marbles tautochrone swinging on a curve, with different amplitudes. Shows how the periods are the same for different amplitudes:

Returning to the cycloid, if the item is not on the edge wheel, but inside, we would have contracted cycloid reduced (at school told me hypocycloid called, but I'm not sure). Well Updated hypocycloid not called, but small cycloid. See this comment Dani (thanks!):

What does this new special curve: As the shape of the soundboard of violins are made of sections of cycloid hypocycloids reduced. That's nothing.

One last special curve on which Masgon Patxi and I have talked over once the catenary. When a cable hung from two points, it is curved by the weight: Galileo supueso (again, incorrectly) that the form adopted cable TV. In fact, a hyperbolic cosine. This curve has the advantage that if it invests an arc that has no transverse tension. Gaudi, Gaudi again, used it extensively.

Esquemilla a bridge with suspension cables in the form of catenary

As CPI data, in the jargon of the trains is called the catenary to the whole supply: the wires (these do have a catenary), the towers that hold the cables and all fishing. But at the RENFE (Please Push Our Railways Damaged) can be forgiven any synecdoche, what the hell.

Categories: CPI Clinic, Mathematics

Reminder: contest is open the CPI images! Send us pictures! And we list the gallery

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Asking For Gifts For A Birthday

Clinic ICC: Antonio Bru and cancer therapy

Jesus launches a thorny question:
Hi, I usually read your page, and you have made me regain some sense of wonder I had as a child thanks ...
But that was not my question, I read research out there on a cancer therapy that is investigating a physical (not a doctor, and there will come many cakes, so they say ...), Dr. Antonio Bru (www. and wanted to ask you your opinion.
A greeting.

Well, Jesus. Here we are faced with a complicated issue. Complicated, especially because it talks about the health of people with cancer. Much of the mess that has raised this issue is because many patients with cancer support Bru and doctors continued their therapy, which is not far enough studied. Appeal to our readers physicians (Shora! We need you!) To correct the ewes that can utter.

Bru began proposing a new hypothesis: what is really important in the growth of a solid tumor is outer edge of the tumor. Thus, the tumor growth is influenced more by healthy cells to "eat" on its border that the blood supply which receives its core. If you manage to block the border, so that the tumor is isolated from healthy cells, the tumor will drown and cancer will be cured. This is the hypothesis. To saturate cell border, an aide to stimulate the creation Bru proposed massive neutrophil a type of leukocytes that adhere to the outer wall of the tumor, isolating the healthy tissue. Currently there are medications to achieve this, but have never been used long enough to produce a steep increase of neutrophils as required by Bru.

In the right photo you can see Bru with a blackboard on which is part of the mathematical development of his hypothesis, which has all the earmarks of a partial differential equation of fourth grade, I guess by relating the growth rate the radio in the border area, and some extra factor which adds to the end of the second term. As an idea is not bad, but since you have the idea until proven in humans must be many things (tests with cells in vitro in several series and various types, tests on mice, many mice to ensure the reliability Stats, and only then human trials). The problem is that Bru has had two hits, one with other cells in vitro and in mice, but with small samples (a tumor cell line and sixteen mice. Of the mice were cured two eight reduced the size of tumors , say). Then, big mistake, jumped into human trials. There was a healing of a man with liver cancer, in which the tumor, they say, reduced in size. A single case ever mean anything in medicine. It could be that the cancer was misdiagnosed (these things happen, but rarely happen). Could it be that the tumor they had miscalculated and had not decreased in size (measured from the outside, unopened). Could be a case of spontaneous remission. If a thousand are cured, there is no doubt: your therapy is working. If one is cured, or so it seems, still have not proven anything. His aides, solvent and prestigious people, they left after seeing that did not comply with medical protocols, not seeing that their hypothesis was crazy.

All information we have collected can be summed up perfectly in the following paragraphs from another article (Excellent) newspaper El Mundo (with the exception that confuse theory and hypothesis, again): [...]
Antonio Bru's story is the story of a passion that began, according to him It counts 12 years ago following a personal experience of her grandmother's death because of cancer. The physicist, who was then working at the Center for Scientific Research (CSIC), began to formulate a theory on how the tumor grows and invades the healthy tissue. Over time he developed the hypothesis of the universal dynamics of tumor development. Basically says that the growth of cancerous mass is mediated by the pressure it receives from the surrounding environment (healthy tissue and immune system). If you do not see obstacles, growing to expand across the surface from the edges, as would seashells or snowflakes, according to a dynamics governed by the laws of the fractal geometry.

That is, he says, the tumor pushes the healthy tissue and eventually choke. This theory is contrary to the prevailing thought that argues that the malignant mass was developed from its core by creating new blood vessels that invade the 'ground' and eat healthy.

To test his idea, went to the lab and, after an initial test, it five years came into contact with José Luis Subiza, an immunologist at the Hospital of Madrid. "He had studied his theory in a cell line and wanted to see if he could show it in different ones. I provided the means for trials with human tumor cell lines and murine [mouse], "explains Subiza.

"His idea was interesting from a physical point of view and modeling. Basically, what we did was to grow a group of cells in a lab dish and see if it evolves as planned. The theory was found, but the tumor cell model used is validated in humans " noted the expert. In other words, it is shown that cells of a patient to behave the same as those used in cultures for these experiments.

was in this relationship that arose "in the course of informal conversations," the idea of \u200b\u200bcolony-stimulating factor of granulocytes, G-CSF. "If, according to the theory, the tumors should be releasing the surrounding space to grow, Bru asked how I could build a barrier against the advance, which could be able to fill the virtual void. I said that some candidates could be neutrophils, immune system cells, "explains Subiza.

"However", he hastens to clarify, "the role of neutrophils was not a consequence of the experimental results on which it bases its assumptions and in which I participated, but the result of a highly speculative possibility that arose during the discussion of possible theoretical implications of the model. To my knowledge there has been no subsequent studies that demonstrate their role. " The same is said that he saw no plausible to use a drug product to stimulate the proliferation of neutrophils, including G-CSF, may have an antitumor effect, "had already been investigated in the laboratory and there was no result in this regard" .

The expert, who acknowledges being "very surprised" by the announcement this week by Bru, is clear: "I do not agree on how it proceeded. The logic is that it had tried to demonstrate in sicker and I had used the channels of scientific communication, rather than launching encouraging messages to patients. It's a leap. " At this time, he gets far away from Subiza Bru.

same thing happens to your next partner, José López García-Asenjo, a member of the Pathology Service of Hospital Clínico of Madrid, with whom he sought to confirm his theory, this time studying human tumor samples. The Bru first experienced the G-CSF in 16 mice were inoculated with an experimental model of cancer (not a human tumor). Some of them were also studied by García-Asenjo. The result of this collaboration is the article published in the journal Physical Review Letters, which ensures that the disease completely remitted in two rodents and other eight were reduced in size. García-Asenjo

decided not to continue after next Bru their intentions to experiment with patients, a fact to which no secret of his displeasure. "These works were very preliminary, with few treated mice. The thing should have kept on increasing these investigations, find much more evidence to a larger study population and test the reproducibility of findings by other groups. My disagreement shown with these results emerged when Bru says the possibility of human trafficking, "he says. [...]

Javier Armentia also discussed the issue in two articles ( I ), ( II ).

My opinion, personal, nontransferable and belonging to a non-medical therapy is worth Bru tested. But conditions did not like him, trying to one guy and then publishing it. His aides, immunologists and oncologists say that, yes, in rare cases where they tested worked, but that there can not be inferred that it will work in humans. As well, it was a good start. Will be tested. It is my opinion and comosiempre, I can be putting the shrimp. What we can not do is give encouragement to cancer patients by saying that there is no cure, as did the media following publication of the first article of Bru.

Categories: CPI Clinic

Davidoffs Cigarettes Malaysia

Course English quick contest pictures gallery

always concerned about the ICC readers, I suggest the crash course in English that my Sister emailed me. Thanks to him, I survive as a man at professional meetings in California. For example, when I see that a project is at risk and I want to propose any radical alternatives "From lost to river ! " And all nod and applaud at the meeting. A marvel! This is one of the secrets of my success and here I share with you. You can too!:
From lost to the river
a Paddle

You Have More Than little street tale
You have more tale than little street

The mother Who Gave birth to him
The mother who bore him

Sissy the last
Marica last

For if the flies
Just in case

Shit little parrot parrot
Cágate Morning-singer


To fuck the female pig Joder the sow

To put a cigar in a cigar

Meter My happiness in a hole
My joy in a well-o

Which Which

Your bread has gone

pan has gone

Everywhere They boil beans baked beans everywhere

Go out by legs legs

It is Not turkey mucus
feat not Lets

fuck me go Do not fuck with me Let

That if you want rice Catherine
What if you want rice
To go by the Ubeda's mountains
go by the hills Ubeda

You see less Than Joseph Milks Ves

Pepe Leches Until Then Goodbye Lucas Lucas

The gold
the Arabian man that shit gold shit
The Moor

shite Burt Lancaster Burt's fucked Lancaster

I am not Able to, I am not Able to
I can not, I can not

Send eggs!
Send eggs! I can not

with my soul with my soul I can not

You hallucinate little cucumbers pickles

You do not give foot with ball
not give foot with ball

Coward of the prairie
Sinful torpedo Torpedo sinner

Seven horses come from Peacefulness
Bonanza Seven horses come from

To you They Gave you a label of anisette of the monkey
to you gave you a label of anisette of the monkey

High to the Meritorious one! Stop

Brother-in-laaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!! Cuñaaaaaaaaaaaaaao
What is fun? Menudo indecent art of translation! Useis Do not ever! I think my beloved Agnès bite me for posting such a freak, or worse, ban me again to participate in your page. With luck, he lied to me will only Úbeda comentaril a lesson.

Categories: A great

Nfl Players Revolution Speed

contest is open the CPI images! Send us pictures! And we list the gallery . We received Superinteressante material, drawings, photos, frames, photoshops even a CPI ambigram!

remains 2 weeks to participate, we are aware that the creative process takes time. Encourage them! And while searching for inspiration (which I caught better than working), I encourage you to post photos as soon as wake up an image more interesting, the more likely it is to be the winner. Choose the ones you like and reviewing!


Monday, February 27, 2006

Connecting Imac To Pioneer Receiver

I enjoyed this video. It gets one to find things about Einstein for an article (I will tell) and is one with Einstein the parrot , which mimics a lot of animals and it's great. Unfortunately, it is in English. The best is when does the evil laugh, MWHUA-HA-HA-HA ...

link to the video on Youtube

Categories: Video , Humor

Bushnell 3200 Elite 10x40 Tactical Reviews

Einstein the parrot watches free beings

Leo's blog Elijah about some watches that never give the exact time. The Talus Timeline is by passing a number of screen so that the closer the fund, less remains for the next hour. The Talus About time, my favorite, drop phrases like "it is 5-something." I love them.

As said I do not know what lady of French society when they appeared with a second hand watches:
I do not like ticking clocks. There divided into parts too small

Via Language -> Via Xataca -> Via Gizmodo -> via OhGizmo ...

Categories: gadgets ,

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Can Salt Corrode Aluminum

What type of file are you?

BBspot The Boys (English page) have the rarest personality test and geeks I've ever seen. Thanks to them you will explore facets of your personality that may not recognize too: What Nigerian Spammer are you? What operating system? or use the generator news on Slashdot if you have nothing better to read.

The test I has discovered a new world is "What would be your extension file?". It turns out that "if a file" would be a PDF!

What he finds one on yourself!

Categories: Nonsense

Reminder: contest is open the CPI images! Send us pictures!

Learning To Box In The Marine Corps

How many people ...

... is in the picture? Count them, please. Give it time to move the image and re-count ...

This image has me hooked a long time. I found the original game in one of the best books I read as a child: " Paradoxes: Aha! " by Martin Gardner. The book did not come out exactly the image that I have today, but this one:

The explanation is to find which of the people has disappeared. In fact, we started to twelve people and have created thirteen that are 1 / 13 smaller (or have the party of 13 people and created 12 being 1 / 12 larger). To understand this, we follow Martin Gardner in his explanation with straight lines (which mislead less):

started ten straight lines painted on a sheet. We make a diagonal cut. By moving the two halves of the towel ...

see that there are only nine lines! It makes no sense to ask what has gone online. The we started in 18 pieces and then put together so we are only 9. Each of the 9 is higher than the 10 that went before. How much

Gardner in his book that notes were forged in times like this: x broke in pieces and glued to form more tickets than there were at first. So we began to put the serial number in more than a ticket (before the advent of all ultraviolet and plastic paraphernalia of modern banknotes), so that these notes "recomposed" did not match the serial numbers of either side of the ticket and be able to detect them.

Updated : Hugo leaves us in the comments a link to a great page where you can "play" with the explanation [in English, but barely noticeable].

Categories: Games