Sunday, March 5, 2006

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Clinic CPI: The quack of ducks

Caic asks:

Good, here's another question for the ICC office:

Is it true that a duck's quack does not echo and nobody knows why? I found
this in wikipedia:
The sound made by Some female ducks is Called a "quack" to common (and false) urban legend Is That quacks Do Not produce an echo (false, Because the acoustic variance of Both a duck's quack and Its echo are so similar, They swallow Almost One Another).
This clears my doubts about the authenticity but what is this "acoustic variance?
Many thanks and greetings.

cutripeich translation of the text of Wikipedia is:
The voice of some female duck called quack (quack), an urban legend (false) is widespread enough that duck quacks do not produce echo (false because acoustic variations of a duck quack and its echo are so similar that they overlap almost completely).

is an old myth that we have seen in many emails. You then receive a list of things ICC, as the elephant is the only animal with four knees, and a cow up stairs but not decrease, and at number 38 in the list is "the squawk of a duck does not echo. No one knows why. " It is false, indeed.

The "acoustic variance (acoustic variations) are what we call" timbre "of a sound, harmonic combinations that distinguish the sounds. When we hear about someone, we can recognize his voice because it sounds a lot sound, but mixed in certain proportions. This mixture, which we have seen is called timbre, to distinguish a "the" touched a violin in another "the" burped by a baboon, for example.

had an episode of Mythbusters , highly recommended series in which they got with this problem. Indeed, the echo of a duck quack there but it was very difficult to detect.

In Salford University (UK) did a great experiment. They recorded a duck in an anechoic chamber (with foam-covered walls ua special geometry for no echo), then recorded in a reverberation chamber (right Otherwise, it is intended that the last sound as possible) and then recorded in an open field near a wall, to hear a single echo, if any. The results: very clear. The duck produces an echo. Tests:

anechoic Duck [. Mp3, 3 KB] (Tests were made at Christmas. Hence the cap of fat Lapp l Santa Claus brings the duck).

Duck reverberation chamber [. Mp3, 41 KB]

Pato near a wall [. Mp3, 4 KB]

After hear the second record, it is clear that a duck's quack has an echo, like any other sound. Even comparing the first recording with the third, we see that the echo exists and is hard to hear. If only we heard the third, can not say for sure if we hear an echo, but when compared to the first can be seen clearly.
have not found an acoustic analysis frequencies quack of a duck (unless it , but sound is modified and does not serve us. If the Internet has no information ...). One hypothesis about why you hear how bad the echo of a duck is that the sound starts very gradually, and ends the same, so the echo is more difficult to hear. All I've ever tasted: when we find a site with good echo, whichever sound you hear is a short and powerful, like "Hey" instead of "eeeEEEeee."

Categories: CPI Clinic, Physical , Urban Legends


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