Sunday, March 12, 2006

Nortenos With Crips Get Along

We're going!

Dear Readers:

When CPI began work on August 11, 2004 , there was no expiration date or a long term project. It was a project to hang out and share some things that I thought they should be shared. A year later, nearly seven months ago, Patxi joined the ICC project, which since then has gotten better (in visits, in good mood and quality of the comments. And hopefully, ahem, who as entries, but we are not targets).

But everything in life has a catch. And we are faced with one. ICC ends as you know it. Why? Because the circumstances so require.

Surely, more than a regular reader has choked on coffee, or in the office speechless (yes, in the office, that these peaks of visits at 9 AM we love:))

Making a long story short, the case is:

We moved!

Starting today, you can find us at:

ICC launches blog on Wordpress, increased and improved version with more potential for expansion and with renewed energy! How really believed they would be able to get rid of us so easily?!

The new CPI syndication feed is

If you want to subscribe to the comments, you can do in

Before they go from here to there, dear readers, we ask all those who link to update the address . We appreciate it very much. It also works if you put the www in front, but we prefer the shorter version of our leadership.

Blogger has given us a good service for many months, but now the party starts. We read in CPI ! Remo, and Patxi



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