Sunday, February 26, 2006

Learning To Box In The Marine Corps

How many people ...

... is in the picture? Count them, please. Give it time to move the image and re-count ...

This image has me hooked a long time. I found the original game in one of the best books I read as a child: " Paradoxes: Aha! " by Martin Gardner. The book did not come out exactly the image that I have today, but this one:

The explanation is to find which of the people has disappeared. In fact, we started to twelve people and have created thirteen that are 1 / 13 smaller (or have the party of 13 people and created 12 being 1 / 12 larger). To understand this, we follow Martin Gardner in his explanation with straight lines (which mislead less):

started ten straight lines painted on a sheet. We make a diagonal cut. By moving the two halves of the towel ...

see that there are only nine lines! It makes no sense to ask what has gone online. The we started in 18 pieces and then put together so we are only 9. Each of the 9 is higher than the 10 that went before. How much

Gardner in his book that notes were forged in times like this: x broke in pieces and glued to form more tickets than there were at first. So we began to put the serial number in more than a ticket (before the advent of all ultraviolet and plastic paraphernalia of modern banknotes), so that these notes "recomposed" did not match the serial numbers of either side of the ticket and be able to detect them.

Updated : Hugo leaves us in the comments a link to a great page where you can "play" with the explanation [in English, but barely noticeable].

Categories: Games


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