Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Manfrotto 785b Modo Canon 5d 17-40

CPI Clinic: Natural fertilizers

Rafa asks, so only slightly eschatological

that you doing the blog. I discovered long ago and since then I have you properly "bucmarqueados." Keep it up.

wanted to ask a question about something I remembered yesterday and who once left me stunned, because I had a totally different idea. Let me explain: I always thought to urinate and defecate under a tree and it was beneficial to nearby plants by that which was organic matter that went to the ground, but last year I heard on the news in Britain about a Mr had to pay a fine because the neighbor was devoted to pee on this tree. What struck me was that this neighbor realized that something was wrong when he saw that the tree ever looked worse and decided to wait with a video camera at night, when he caught red-handed the culprit.

As I say, the news stunned me, because collapsing an idea I had for some since childhood. Will have to do with the plant acid or alkaline soil and those things? Or perhaps animal feeding urine? Or maybe that feces and urine are good bad? What then happens to dogs mark its territory? they should be fined?

Oh great group of wise men, what is the answer to this riddle that haunts me?

Greetings and congratulations on your new blog.

Well, Rafa. We are not agriculturalists, but some have found.

In principle, urine and feces they can serve as fertilizer, so you can rest easy. Of course, there is a but.

Urine contains, among other things, urea * and ammonia. These two compounds are a great source of nitrogen, which, as you know, it's good fertilizer. However, they are made too basic (the opposite of acid, but no less harmful. Do not drink a bottle of ammonia). Urine can be applied as fertilizer but only diluted to 10% or so. Otherwise you start to charge the plant.

With stool is slightly different. Human feces can serve as fertilizer, but they are much better the cow, horse, especially the sheep and worm. There worm farms specialized in production of fertilizers. Among the stars of the worm are the California red worms, composting can produce 60% of your daily food intake. The feces, however, must go through a fermentation process before being optimal fertilizer. There are many sites out there that have how.
For dogs, it is true that where a dog urine to mark territory there is a tendency for the next pass urine again to mark it again, which increases the detrimental effect on the plant. The trees are more tolerant of urine, but lawns can see brown spots on grass, "burned" that are caused by dog \u200b\u200burine.

* Urea as CPI data was the first managed to synthesize organic compound humans. What did the German chemist Friedrich Wöhler in 1828. Until then it had been thought that two chemicals: the objects inert (inorganic chemistry) and of living things (organic chemistry). This discovery shattered the doctrine of vis vitalis , saying there was a special made nosequéquequéseyo that the chemistry of living things. Indeed, the distinction between inorganic and organic is still present today, although for different reasons, of course. What happened to the synthesis of urea is more or less the same thing happened with physics before Newton. Since Aristotle believed that there were laws to the imperfect earthly bodies and other celestial bodies stop cigars. Newton threw this distinction to contrast with his Theory of universal gravitation, which explains both the behavior of falling apples like the planets revolving around the sun

Categories: CPI Clinic, Biology

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