Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Unlimited Internet Hack Sidekick

Schrödinger evergreen and relativistic Doppler effect

This post is actually the result of a domestic CPI Consulting: I received an email at work in which, after a discussion about someone who ran a lot, someone began to joke about actually running so much because all the red lights looked like green on the Doppler effect. As an engineer, knew of the Doppler effect for sound but not light ... and asked about my favorite physicist, and I sounded the theme.

Since light behaves as a wave (and as a particle but now irrelevant), also suffers Doppler effect. Remo explained very clearly how fast it would go, and in this case we are not loaded enough with a train of trumpeters. Quote:

Knowing that the relativistic Doppler effect formula is: and we want a source emitting at 700 nm wavelength (red) see 500 (green), the calculated speed is 24/74c, or that is, more or less 0.32c
was a (very bad) of a physics student who stopped for a traffic bypass, and told the cop that the Doppler. That he had seen Doppler green, not red. And the cop, who knew physics, instead fined him for speeding.
So as (I bet you want) no one has a car that comes to 0.32 * the speed of light = 345 600 000 km / h, all to stop at traffic lights when they are red, are red. Although, come to think, to see who would stop going to 0.32c!


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