Saturday, March 11, 2006

Average Heating Bill Calgary

A meme

An introductory cartoon: Do you remember, dear readers, the meme of "my 5 weird habits? So I spent a couple of colleagues bitacoreros to be happy and I read daily. But I said no, because it had rejected a previous person meme (which I did not know) and did not want make it less. Big mistake.
Personally, I do not send memes. Not for anything special, but because I feel uncomfortable forcing people to write about something. Which is not to say that I really bother to send me a meme, of course. Each enjoys its own contradictions.

I think it's useless to try to escape the memes. So taking advantage of Tellagorri Mike sends us the meme of four, I will take them to school and the meme tip of my 5 weird habits. Hairanakh , Alf, thanks for sending it. Late, but here it is.


Four jobs I've had (in addition the current, which is a research fellow)
1. Translator and proofreader
2. Violin teacher, computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, technical drawing and English. It's a hard life of the research scholar.
3. Journalism in a digital newspaper.
4. Writer of computer manuals (basic, one has its limits)

Four movies I can watch again and again
1. Groundhog Day.
2. Top Secret
3. Memento
4. Heck to the butler, how long has the Maroma (just kidding:))

Four places I've lived (in addition to current, which is Madrid)
1. Rome (3 years)
2. Mexico City (3 years)
3. San Jose, California (1 year)
4. Ceuta (3 years)

Four TV shows I like to see
1. House
information 3. And YaST. Do not watch much TV.

Four places I've gone on vacation
1. Australia
2. New Zealand
3. Tunisia
4. Azores, Puerto Rico, Aruba, Curaçao (Dutch Antilles), Cape Canaveral (Florida), Jacksonville (Florida), Plymouth (England) and Lisbon (were not a holiday, it was my military service in a frigate, but I enjoyed it so much that I state here . That was milis and not now!)

Four of my meals Preferred
1. Pasta
2. Grilled meat
3. Padrón peppers with Galician octopus (or vice versa)
4. Calamari sandwich (Yes, I am of Madriz, what happens?)

Four websites I visit daily
1. digital newspapers and other
2. CPI (of course)
3. Hispalibertas (of course)
4. And a few more blogs found between Tempus Fugit, Hairanakh's, Malaciencia, Microserfs ...

Four places I'd rather be right now Right now I'm super
. But there are things that I have left to do:

1. Swimming with sharks in South Africa.
2. See the aurora borealis in Hammerfest (Norway)
3. Stepping
Antarctica 4. Browse the Indonesian and Pacific islands

Four jobs I would like
1. Professional Bitacorero
2. Popularizer of science in Radio and TV
3. Physical working on space projects for the European Space Agency (Oh, no! That's not:))
4. Literary critic. Four famous

I met
1. Ana Torroja. Hitchhiking took me many years ago. It's really short and wear shoes on the pedals of the car to arrive. Lovely.
2. Itzhak Perlman. The world's best violinist. While in California I was invited to a concert you and chatted with him in the clubhouse. I had only a year studying violin and trembled at its presence. Before going to the concert I had heard eight hours of recordings I had of him. A great person, too.
3. ... Hmmm ... I do not come any closer to the head
4. Four dishes

1. The cream that floats in the milk. Yuck!
2. Liver.
3. Kidneys.
4. Brains and other offal (I fully agree with Mike). Four appliances

I have unusual
1. A potato peeler in one movement
2. A starter of spaghetti in only two pieces
3. A kicker soda cans not to leave the foam
4. A hyperbolic paraboloid tester for Pringles potato

Four possible first impressions that I
1. NPI

Four favorite drinks
1. Beer
2. Dark rum with lemon
3. Tequila Sunrise (Tequila, orange juice, a drizzling of Granada)
4. San Francisco, non-alcoholic cocktail parties with further capable of driving back home

Four victims / perpetrators of this chain:
1. Whoever
2. Who point
3. Persons who consider

whom enjoy MEME "MIS 5 STRANGE BEHAVIOR" I was invited by

Hairanakh and Alf


Each player must post a message with the title "my 5 weird habits."

All persons are invited to play, also clearly indicate the regulation.

Finally, each participant will choose 5 others (adding the link to their blogs) to join the game.

Do not forget to leave a comment to the 5 people saying, 'You have been chosen' and asking them to read your blog and agree! Put the link

who invited you.

1 .- I can not go to bed without reading. Even when I was lad and came borrachísimo (to say) at home, had to get the book and read a few pages.

2 .- When I travel I love to stop in towns that are on the side of the road. This habit is inherited from my mother. We are Galicia Madrid record in 13 hours and Madrid-Valencia at 8.

3 .- A book is not mine to frame it with my name, date and place of purchase (and name of who gave it to me, if applicable). I hate reading books that are not mine.

4 .- Before leaving home I run the ritual: phone, keys, notebook, wallet, PDA, while I'm feeling the pockets in order. I always wear the same things in the same pocket. I always carry a notebook to write down up to things that come to mind. CPI can be ideas or the thesis. For a while recording voice memos on the PDA, but the notebook feel more like it. 5 .- I feel

semipatológica fixation by the color orange. I love small objects and oranges. The burner, the computer mouse switches on the light in my library, my mobile phone housing, CPI, my shirts ... are orange. I love it. I'm not going orange dress and my last car is no longer orange, though. Should be small things. There

people who pass the meme. If someone is targeted, welcome!


Reminder: contest is open the CPI images! Send us pictures! And we list the gallery .


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