Thursday, March 2, 2006

Toddler Adjustable Ice Skates

Bricomanía: Today we are going to ride a plane Clinic

Friends! Today we are going to mount a pair haul in less than 9 minutes. For that we need to hammer drill, glue gun, three cans of paint and a multimillion dollar investment in several countries. With these ingredients we go first few videos like this which joins the superb Airbus 340-600 in less than 2 minutes. It is a beautiful video:

And then a video of the brand new A380, 2 story. As this is bigger, we need the belt sander and 7 minutes to have it completed:

These two videos are very interesting. Too bad the music: in my opinion remains the heroic tone of the reports of major state projects (in the room I have a video about the amazing Hoover Dam) on early and mid-century. At least in the videos there is no narration scurfy-triumphalistic-technical development of the style:

"The world is wonderful compared to this advancement of technology. Thanks to this amazing project, progress and unstoppable moves inexorably towards the harmony of peoples, only effort and creativity of all {insert nationality here, eg Elbonianos} could give the world such a colossus of art, never before assembled a {insert advancement of technique here, eg plane} of such proportions. Representatives highest level of {Select from country, continent or world} world will attend the glorious inauguration admired ... "

The fact is that, anyway, and as much as I do grace the pitch, it is very interesting to see the videos. If you want to know more about how planes are assembled, visit the gallery airbus videos, very funny. The best part is the ads. In the quiet announcement (CPI own music, go up the volume!), Highlight something very true: The Airbus 340-600 is the quietest I've ever flown, I word that when I ride one of them sleep like a child ... to the despair of my lover who is a little lonely during the 11 hour flight.

Returning to our Bricomanía ... What do you think of today's show, folks? What do we have been pretty well embedded with the two planes apply?. You know, with a little skill and the right tools, we are here every week to join what is necessary. And next week, back with more DIY home.

PS: I know I found the video of the A340 assembly via someone's blog. That is, I know I've seen but I do not remember where things that happen when you open 20 tabs in the browser. Claim your credit in the comments.

Reminder: contest is open the CPI images! Send us pictures!
And we list the gallery .


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