Thursday, March 9, 2006

Famous Soccer Players

CPI Music & Role models of the 80

Warning: This post may hurt your sensibility, partly through my mental vagary but especially by the final video.

Dear readers, a drag traumas of all kinds. And in my case drags the trauma of having been a child in the 80's. As a child, the cultural references were on TV three and were very clear.

First, Team A: Four guys who, though illegal, were good right and left. And was a very human, and that each of them had great virtues (the leading planner, handyman, the negotiator, the fun and pilot) and large defects. Hannibal was a megalomaniac, addicted to cigars and had a fetish for costumes. MA was prone to anger (especially with Murdock) in sídrome of King Midas (obsessed with gold) and phobic aircraft. Phoenix (called Face, or face, in English) was a narcissist incapable of entering into intimate relationships and very likely to mislead people. And Murdock was crazy and was less reliable than a Yugo . But the team A contained a valuable lesson: Thanks to the collaborative team is getting great results individually would never have achieved. Secondarily also regularly learned: Always had a plan, always rode a armatroste with the torch, there was always a lot of shots, a car he was always flying, always escaping from Colonel Decker, nobody ever died by shots and plans always work out well . But the main lesson was about teamwork.

Then there was the unique MacGyver. The lesson was also very obvious: If you master the technique and are creative, you're ready for the world. And it contained a veiled warning: If you are a geek obsessed with technical toys and perhaps knowledge will be a good guy and save the world ... But will end the series without knowing woman! Reflect for a moment: not linking MacGyver ever. Although there were girls around him, TV was the most sexless character of 80, sexual intercourse had less than an amoeba. Not that it was misogynistic but it was too good boy. What do you think the girls in the audience? Finally

and completing the trio, the Lone Ranger of 80: The rate of Knight Rider. Michael! It was much better than the plains, and that he had a much more interactive companion Silver. Kitt in the desert with him, gave him and even made jokes conversation, which leads only and save a thousand times. The moral was also clear: With a good gadget and a good car (all in one), you'll be a champion! And amoebic're not a geek but you will be an action guy (wilt punches and kicks), in each episode you can flirt with pretty girls. The other side of the coin is that your continuous movement (car required) end up alone and elect a permanent tacky for a while ... But what Who cares if the end of the 60min leagues?

Thus grew one, and at least the system was clear who was who in the 80's. But everything changed in the 90's: The A-Team Crazy, came flying in Star Trek a few times, always causing problems for Jean-Luc Picard. Of the other three the team was never heard. What happened to the support they gave each other? For its part, MacGyver became the leader of an intergalactic command, traveling through the Stargate, and I did not use the Swiss Army knife, but superdestructivos plasma rifles. As I did not see the show do not know if it was more successful ligand for the Milky Way. What about Michael? Was fed sedentary life in the car and began to do triathlons until he burned his flab and moved to California as Baywatch. Once arrived at the beach, was cut permanent and set to work surrounded by girls who, after a career in modeling, saved people from drowning. The amazing thing is that his team arrived in time to save people, although they spent half the episode running in slow motion on the beach!

So in the late 90's, missing 3 of the A-Team and MacGyver jumping from galaxy to galaxy, I only have the Michael / Mitch as a reference model television. Living in the Californian beach surrounded by beautiful girls? That is the future! Where do I sign?

why I moved to California with a pretty girl, but I went too far north. In San Francisco the water is frozen (see Escape from Alcatraz ...). But here he was, according to my model Michael / Mitch, when I hear that has a parallel career that he knew nothing. In the Wikipedia entry on David Hasselhoff explain that, though little known outside of Germany! has a lot of records. 17 LPs since 1985, to be exact. ( if you are younger segment of the audience, know that this post be bored a lot and also do not know what a LP, asks in the comments ... ). The thing not

would be particularly serious if it were not for David / Michael / Mitch is responsible for the worst music video ever. No exaggeration, it even has its own website , which analyzes the images will spawn. How do I describe? Take a classic (Hooked on a feeling, the song "Chaka ouga Ouga .." which became popular in 1995 slightly to be on the soundtrack to Reservoir Dogs) and in 1997 planted David / Michael / Mitch in front of a blue, take a bag of hallucinogenic drugs, stolen many brothers costumes butcher knife and burn like crazy, that life is two days.

video is the worst I've ever seen! It may hurt your sensitivity because of the awful fact that is the subject of "blue screen" or the multiple overlays Eskimo David, David, Indiana Jones, David, Zulu, David-James Bond, David, and two girls angelitas, David-Eskimo hunting a fish on the fly and bite, David-Flying on a bike and David-flying to Neo in Matrix. It's almost as lysergic as IP video CPI. To give some historical perspective, in 1997 released this video and Men In Black. We are not talking about 1982 when it would begin to use the chroma. 1997! At that time, perhaps because they were shooting The Matrix (1999). It is incredibly bad! My note: Essential in your video library!

link to the video on Youtube

course, if in the 80 spoke with the 90 car and were surrounded by Baywatch, perhaps it is normal that you end up crazy like , right? And now that no longer exists Team, MacGyver is back but only for an ad and David makes these videos, I'm out concerning television! Where do I focus the rest of my life?

Categories: verbose personal and video

Reminder: contest is open the CPI images! Send us pictures! And we list the gallery .


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