Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Can Seizure Cause Memory Lost

Creed Taylor Orchestra "Panic" (1959)

This record of the owner of the record label CTI, as previous Talk Talk, is more interesting than it sounds that the composition yes. The album is a bizarre musical narrative that seeks to inoculate fear and tension in the listener, as preventing the dangers that await you around the corner (gas leaks, crazy drivers, heart attacks and stuff). To this end employs a jazz combo and recorded incidental sounds specifically for the piece. It is easier if we hear and see what happens with some compositions.

In "You're driving me crazy " sounds like a kind of spring, I guess I represent is a kid whose behavior annoys insidious gradually during the piece to their heroes. The happy spring contrasts with the calm and relaxation that transpires from the melody of clarinet. In other words, are the Parents enjoy a splendid summer day and the damn grew up not to make noise with some diabolical toy. Set at the end, as it gets put tension on the previously pleasant melody, when the guitar enters the vibraphone scores, while the clarinet melody is accelerating and seems out of tune.

The sound of a person breathing intubated in a hospital is the first thing you hear in "The operation ." In this issue I like the sound reverberating guitar. In " Wreck of old 98" tells us as it is for the motor car to a guy after saying goodbye to his wife. Musically, what interests me most is the time that "tells" stop the engine, bubbling sounds of organ. "Out of this world " is one that has more value independent music, a melody tinged with mystery and nostalgia. Set on the background noise, which at the end of the piece is more evident, it sounds like someone was welding the bottom of the track! I wonder how the hell did he get that effect. " A shot in the dark " is another of these stories collected best musical. Or the tight end is achieved in " No smoking" where it seems that at any moment something is going to explode due to gas leak, but ....

I warn you, there is an album of songs and some parts are quite ridiculous. I really like how they manage to sonically illustrate so that you can imagine the scene and take some of the instruments used in its most common uses for using them to bring more color and tension to the music melodic and harmonic developments waiting for them. And if you like David Lynch film I have to bring the concept of this album, which continues to be a little "Twin Peaks " or "Blue Velvet " display that hides away the land of dreams After an idyllic setting.



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