Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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Nobody reads your stupid blog.

Hello people still read blogs! Hello two people in the world.

Recent surveys show that people gay, lesbian and transgender majority in regard to use of social networks and interactions online, which proves the point I have been sustained for some years: Blogs are gay.

I guess what I mean is wel nests to my blog, fucking . now answer some common questions:

when were you born?
22, 1987.

How tall are you?

Seriously ...

Ya, no mames.

Why did a blog?
That's not a question.

What is your favorite animal?
Hamsters are great, do not have to feed them or give them water and in three days they die and you can buy another if you want.

Your comments are disgusting and offensive.
Your mom is ugly and offensive.

Who do you think? You're not even funny.
Chinga tu madre.

When I was 6 years old my hamster had children and ate them, I guess the lesson here is that everyone is a hamster.


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