Friday, December 10, 2010

Mississuga Motels By The Hour

Human rights in times of collective disillusionment

Bernal Gabriela Carrera

When daily reality and hit us with news media on criminal violence and insecurity for a large proportion of the population, Human Rights listening difficult. Newspapers and television news shows in each of its editions, some with more red ink than others, the dramatic cases that occur in streets, plazas, homes and cars. Kidnappings, rapes, murders variations, changes less, are presented as facts intrinsic to the new times. But while such incidents occur there and everywhere, little or no mention of other of more underground and sordid violence that bloody images and advertised in headlines.

When deconstruction and despite so many theories, capitalism remains strong and healthy thanks to their settlement in subjectivity, everything is a commodity, even violence. Indeed, advertising contributes to the need to seek alternative solutions to survive in the new cement jungles of our cities are in appearance.

But probably the most evil of the business of violence, is that certain types of violence magnified, the inescapable reality of the images becomes cruelty of the facts in the determinant for the dehumanization of both victims and perpetrators.

is the way to present any kind of violence, often stripping the category of humans who practices both as a recipient of the violence, which is why it is difficult to accept that there should be human rights for all and all. This process begins at school unfortunately. Because neither education authorities, teachers or parents or mothers, let alone people outside of schools, recognized as fully human at all: no children, let alone girls, are fully human. Trainees, the future of the country, Any name that shows that, today, have not just been. And so, with whom are not yet fully human can engage in any violence. Violence that will teach us to endure alone, we gradually stripped of the chance to see us as subjects and legal subjects.

But the school is just one of all the places where they live and learn violence. This learning can range from the direct hit and others from the subtle and less aggressive exercise of exclusion, sexism and discrimination. Books, games, class explanations, examples, reproduced and inscribed in memory of children and young people with a vision of how to be a man and a woman should be, with a message of undervaluation of the feminine over the masculine invisiblización of facing each other.

further violence in the streets when the carriers do not stop for children and much less can go up to girls leaving school because they pay less. At home, when the cry or blow forced to return to the happiness of playing to dream, because to reach adulthood submissive / successful, we must make long and tedious duties, which fall far short of the necessary discipline of learning.

How to speak of Human Rights adults / as when no We recognize that children are there? Not as future potential, but as individual beings, people through and through. Anthropology has documented that one of the most universal of feelings / violations is the dehumanization of those who are not like us. It will be impossible to talk about Human Rights when we still can not recognize the different (age, gender, skin color, for thinking differently, having different sexual orientations), as part of ours.

To begin, we must expand the "we", because more and more here than all the other differences, we exist. Until today, we, the subject of Human Rights, is reduced primarily to men, white, healthy, young, educated, with money. To them and among them are recognized human rights. The problem is not the existence of Human Rights, the problem is that even in the XXI century, it remains difficult to be recognized as human. Be recognized as human, in times of setbacks, it is even more difficult.

Education is a human right

sexism and discrimination violate the law

Campaign for a non-sexist education and non-discriminatory

CLADEM - Ecuador


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