Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Instructions For Mountain King Christmas Trees

November 25th against all forms of violence

Bernal Gabriela Carrera


No more makeup, more subtle and perverse that the teaching of fear. Undercover security, protection, shelter, of certainty, the worst enemy of us women is fear. The fear of going against the dreams, against the questions, against the will. The fear that undermines any possibility of autonomy. Today, November 25 should not be rejected only blows to the body, looks abusive or obscene words, today's non-violence against women, we show other forms of violence, and among them, as the worst of all, the teaching of fear.

fear going out alone, afraid to speak out loud and in public, afraid to show love, fear of loneliness. Afraid to look with a high forehead, a wide horizon, but not others. Fear of discovering the body, fear of discovering the other bodies. Fear of going to another city, traveling alone and looking at other ways of living. Fear of what others will think if we discover laughing alone, talking to a man who is the boyfriend or husband. Fear of not being good enough for a job, or to establish a relationship worth living.


learned to be so afraid? How is that fear has become our second skin? As if from the womb of our mothers we'd come to fear and not covered with curious eyes, ears open and mouth full of sounds.

learn fear through the body. With the female body scans and is sanctioned by morality: girls do not climb trees, do not come to play in the street. We learn to fear the body that does not fit into the ideals and actions that will be abandoned as a pledge to failure awaiting a buyer who does not meet the deficiencies noticed: the little women must be beautiful, in a month we will have The Christmas Princess school!

But we also learn that fear with tales of princesses and useless waiting locked in a castle / prison, without ever venturing beyond the limits, not daring to explore the forest, they will be eaten by ogres, wolves and how evil be it in the imagination.


fear the trap of desolation, as if loneliness was not the first and only condition for a real encounter with itself and with other others.

much violence is in every threat! There is no exercise more brutal violence that the threat because it is intended to undermine confidence in ourselves and in others. The pain will hit, the wound will heal, but the fear, the threat is deep into the body, heart, head for the sole purpose of paralyzing. As if we were totally helpless. As if we could change the course of things. As if the only way to be sure they were the obedience and house. As if we had not given birth for adventure. As if we could not get the nail to defend ourselves. As if we could not get up after the fall.

No more covert violence that cut our wings, on account of a false security that deprives us of the most elementary right to the joy of discovering and discover, as subjects of this world wide and so own.

Campaign for a non-sexist education, secular and non-discriminatory

Cladem - Ecuador


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