Friday, December 24, 2010

Is 30 Lumens Good? Projector

Merry Christmas. Council

E n week to forum approached me or one or ñ ay I wish é Merry Christmas but I realized it was indigenous . Both we re í the absurdity of the situation or n.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Winstar How Old Do You Have To Be

bulimic # 34

A efore a tracarte of deliciousness (cottage cheese, doritos nachos, chocolate); first as vegetables. So that when you vomit what is left in your tummy are just vegetables.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Which One Is Healthier Blue Buffalo Or Innova

My favorite Christmas.

I think my favorite Christmas , as a child, was the time my father went for cigarettes and fifteen minutes later Santa Claus and started beating my mother and had to go live with my grandparents for a few months.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Poptropica Cheats How To Get Free Credits

What had he done?

Before want to give you what you read below is one of the most remarkable stories ever told. And until now, none of the suspects in question wanted to issue any statement, but it is time for someone to talk about it.

Callodehacha currently has more than four thousand followers, about two thousand tweets and still do not know the taste of semen Hector Suarez Gomis (Gomisgomis).

What had he done?

I'll tell you a story I have not heard before, a story about the esc Andalo largest in the history of Twitter in English . The story behind what is now known as The Favgate .

Today I plead innocent of all charges being made against me, but I can not help but think of the chances of the situation, the motivations of an act so vile and ethical issues of a practice like this.

I ask you to forget everything you think you know about it. For I know the facts better than anyone, know the suspects, I seen the evidence and of course I've heard, and all theories: What if I did, that if I did not, but if I did not even know I did. To the extent that today I can no longer distinguish reality from fiction. What's nights when I wake up, sweating, consumed by guilt, drowning in a deep cry. Now, gentlemen, sit and relax.

This is the story of how I would have done (If I had done) :

of today is known throughout the country and the existence of multiple Twitter accounts suspected - you have little or no follower - which fav engage a specific user. In fact several Tuitstars - Some even with 10,000 fans! - are related to what is known as the biggest scam Twitter in English. But none has caused such a splash, not much surprise as Callodehacha.

Now that I pause to remember all this, it seems confusing, it seems blurry, and I do not recognize. Now I breathe more calm than before because I know I I did not.

But the evidence is very clear, and to work my innocence argument would have to explain the accounts and casually tweeted me Favean just me. Can someone take the trouble to create an account in order fav to someone else? "With nothing to gain? There are nights where I believe that yes, I know it's hard, but I believe that it is. In order to close in the end, this bitter chapter of my life ... but what if I had I done? "I would have done the same? How would have done?

guess first of all need a mobile - a reason to perform an act as despicable as it - in my case would have been greed, fame , and all it represents to be on the homepage of Favstar. But what would have been easier not to ask my followers who tweeted me, or tell my close friends about my plan? I do not would do well, especially to them, who believe in me. Do not drag them to the spiral profound shame and self pity. No. I would own. I would single-handedly.

Create two accounts I would have been futile, because if my purpose had been to be constantly on the Leaderboard, I guess I need more: About thirty accounts , thus ensure my purpose. But for God's sake, would suspect that the accounts were the same thirty Favearan me and all my Tweets Retuitearean, after all twitterers are people who spend much time on the computer and possibly suspect. Then create twice, say sixty accounts , and alternated constantly. On the other hand, would be important for Tweets had any sort of quality, so when will the Leaderboard these were not the only accounts that have Faveado.

If I had been guilty there probably would have stopped everything, if he had been guilty I might have repented. Would have heard the voice of my mother on the edge of the bed saying "There has never been anyone like you, I can feel it. One day save the oppressed and the damned. One day you'll be a good man."

I would have avoided. If it had been me, maybe I could have been evaded. Always had, but that day would have been different . For some reason that day would not think of the pain and suffering this would cause me. Not think the punishment he would receive, nor the damage it would do to all the people who believed in me. And specifically not think of hurting my mother. Instead, go on my computer and go directly to the page Favstar. The voices in my head scream to continue, support me, give me courage. All but the fading voice of my mother, think I wonder what me now?
As soon as it began would be over. My Tuit would be on the Leaderboard for the first time, in view of all, still would not understand but I know I would be fine. Thirty favs! Fifty favs! One hundred favs! Two hundred favs! Suddenly it would be someone new, someone different, someone who needed but could not trust you anymore.

So all continue for many months. While Callodehacha fame grew, while becoming someone who was not me, and I could no longer control. would not know who I was, I could not know what was real and what is not.

Then something would go terribly wrong and I know what happened, but could not explain exactly how. Front of my computer would not I know how I got there, or when, or even why I'm there. Suddenly I begin to remember, slowly. Suddenly I see my mother sitting on the edge of the bed asking me to be a good man, I see my hamster, Claudio, my favorite star that died in the refrigerator, I see my father. It's cold, very cold.

Now what? I am facing my computer, with their hands stained in blood. never seen so much blood in my life . Is that blood? Who is? Is it mine? Am I hurt? I'm still very confused What happened here?
Moments later my tears feel rushed. "Maybe I should try again, maybe I should have done differently" would say no, just silence. Think in the months that we laugh together, you and me. Many of these so beautiful that I would not be sure if they deserved. How he had ruined everything. How he had sent all to cock. As I said before I : This is a love story, like many others, without a happy ending.

rest happened yesterday or yesterday or today. The rest you already know.

But I guess we can all breathe easy now, because we now know that I did not, and that I would be unable to do anything so despicable.

And now I think,
You were right about everything, mom.
never been anyone like me.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Naturalis Milia Treatment Where To Buy

Nobody reads your stupid blog.

Hello people still read blogs! Hello two people in the world.

Recent surveys show that people gay, lesbian and transgender majority in regard to use of social networks and interactions online, which proves the point I have been sustained for some years: Blogs are gay.

I guess what I mean is wel nests to my blog, fucking . now answer some common questions:

when were you born?
22, 1987.

How tall are you?

Seriously ...

Ya, no mames.

Why did a blog?
That's not a question.

What is your favorite animal?
Hamsters are great, do not have to feed them or give them water and in three days they die and you can buy another if you want.

Your comments are disgusting and offensive.
Your mom is ugly and offensive.

Who do you think? You're not even funny.
Chinga tu madre.

When I was 6 years old my hamster had children and ate them, I guess the lesson here is that everyone is a hamster.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mississuga Motels By The Hour

Human rights in times of collective disillusionment

Bernal Gabriela Carrera

When daily reality and hit us with news media on criminal violence and insecurity for a large proportion of the population, Human Rights listening difficult. Newspapers and television news shows in each of its editions, some with more red ink than others, the dramatic cases that occur in streets, plazas, homes and cars. Kidnappings, rapes, murders variations, changes less, are presented as facts intrinsic to the new times. But while such incidents occur there and everywhere, little or no mention of other of more underground and sordid violence that bloody images and advertised in headlines.

When deconstruction and despite so many theories, capitalism remains strong and healthy thanks to their settlement in subjectivity, everything is a commodity, even violence. Indeed, advertising contributes to the need to seek alternative solutions to survive in the new cement jungles of our cities are in appearance.

But probably the most evil of the business of violence, is that certain types of violence magnified, the inescapable reality of the images becomes cruelty of the facts in the determinant for the dehumanization of both victims and perpetrators.

is the way to present any kind of violence, often stripping the category of humans who practices both as a recipient of the violence, which is why it is difficult to accept that there should be human rights for all and all. This process begins at school unfortunately. Because neither education authorities, teachers or parents or mothers, let alone people outside of schools, recognized as fully human at all: no children, let alone girls, are fully human. Trainees, the future of the country, Any name that shows that, today, have not just been. And so, with whom are not yet fully human can engage in any violence. Violence that will teach us to endure alone, we gradually stripped of the chance to see us as subjects and legal subjects.

But the school is just one of all the places where they live and learn violence. This learning can range from the direct hit and others from the subtle and less aggressive exercise of exclusion, sexism and discrimination. Books, games, class explanations, examples, reproduced and inscribed in memory of children and young people with a vision of how to be a man and a woman should be, with a message of undervaluation of the feminine over the masculine invisiblización of facing each other.

further violence in the streets when the carriers do not stop for children and much less can go up to girls leaving school because they pay less. At home, when the cry or blow forced to return to the happiness of playing to dream, because to reach adulthood submissive / successful, we must make long and tedious duties, which fall far short of the necessary discipline of learning.

How to speak of Human Rights adults / as when no We recognize that children are there? Not as future potential, but as individual beings, people through and through. Anthropology has documented that one of the most universal of feelings / violations is the dehumanization of those who are not like us. It will be impossible to talk about Human Rights when we still can not recognize the different (age, gender, skin color, for thinking differently, having different sexual orientations), as part of ours.

To begin, we must expand the "we", because more and more here than all the other differences, we exist. Until today, we, the subject of Human Rights, is reduced primarily to men, white, healthy, young, educated, with money. To them and among them are recognized human rights. The problem is not the existence of Human Rights, the problem is that even in the XXI century, it remains difficult to be recognized as human. Be recognized as human, in times of setbacks, it is even more difficult.

Education is a human right

sexism and discrimination violate the law

Campaign for a non-sexist education and non-discriminatory

CLADEM - Ecuador

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Instructions For Mountain King Christmas Trees

November 25th against all forms of violence

Bernal Gabriela Carrera


No more makeup, more subtle and perverse that the teaching of fear. Undercover security, protection, shelter, of certainty, the worst enemy of us women is fear. The fear of going against the dreams, against the questions, against the will. The fear that undermines any possibility of autonomy. Today, November 25 should not be rejected only blows to the body, looks abusive or obscene words, today's non-violence against women, we show other forms of violence, and among them, as the worst of all, the teaching of fear.

fear going out alone, afraid to speak out loud and in public, afraid to show love, fear of loneliness. Afraid to look with a high forehead, a wide horizon, but not others. Fear of discovering the body, fear of discovering the other bodies. Fear of going to another city, traveling alone and looking at other ways of living. Fear of what others will think if we discover laughing alone, talking to a man who is the boyfriend or husband. Fear of not being good enough for a job, or to establish a relationship worth living.


learned to be so afraid? How is that fear has become our second skin? As if from the womb of our mothers we'd come to fear and not covered with curious eyes, ears open and mouth full of sounds.

learn fear through the body. With the female body scans and is sanctioned by morality: girls do not climb trees, do not come to play in the street. We learn to fear the body that does not fit into the ideals and actions that will be abandoned as a pledge to failure awaiting a buyer who does not meet the deficiencies noticed: the little women must be beautiful, in a month we will have The Christmas Princess school!

But we also learn that fear with tales of princesses and useless waiting locked in a castle / prison, without ever venturing beyond the limits, not daring to explore the forest, they will be eaten by ogres, wolves and how evil be it in the imagination.


fear the trap of desolation, as if loneliness was not the first and only condition for a real encounter with itself and with other others.

much violence is in every threat! There is no exercise more brutal violence that the threat because it is intended to undermine confidence in ourselves and in others. The pain will hit, the wound will heal, but the fear, the threat is deep into the body, heart, head for the sole purpose of paralyzing. As if we were totally helpless. As if we could change the course of things. As if the only way to be sure they were the obedience and house. As if we had not given birth for adventure. As if we could not get the nail to defend ourselves. As if we could not get up after the fall.

No more covert violence that cut our wings, on account of a false security that deprives us of the most elementary right to the joy of discovering and discover, as subjects of this world wide and so own.

Campaign for a non-sexist education, secular and non-discriminatory

Cladem - Ecuador

Saturday, November 13, 2010

What Does It Mean When A Wart Bleeds

November 13, National Day of Education in Ecuador

Bernal Gabriela Carrera

On the Importance of Education has talked a lot. Quality, access, funding, politics, sexual abuse in the educational system, the influence of media on their actions, are among other issues addressed by various social actors. Conclusions almost always negative, based on situations and unfortunately based on reality. In fact, those who work in the field of education ended with a bitter taste in the mouth, each time a report is submitted or know the results of recent evaluations.

However, when we celebrate the National Day of Education, it is necessary to think from the positive: not celebrated a birthday, the defects of the honoree (or honoree), celebrated the contradiction of being beautiful , if any, to be. Therefore, should be held to Education and the possibilities it, even with its flaws and limitations, provide children, and young people living in Ecuador.

In a country where the various differences (forgive the pun), are almost always a source of discrimination and inequality, education is the best place to demonstrate it. But it is also the place where you can leave out the best in human beings. And they are smaller and those who offer us the best lessons, one of which is the most important thing is being together, play together. Even if you fight and say bad things, they find the best way to get back together, because what is really valuable is the ability to invent new group games. No child prefer to play alone to have one or more peers or playmates.

is true that these games can be played scenes of discrimination and violence, it is true that boys and girls played the sad social conditions in which they live, but this is the responsibility of us, and we allow adult (when do not contribute), they are possible. However, although this is advertised as an unfortunate example, little or no case is made of what we as adults should learn from children: the smiles, the search for negotiation designed to continue together, overcoming contradictions.

There is no doubt that it is impossible to escape the contradictions, nor education can. But in defense of contradictions, are the ones that make us human. Our status as humanity is marked by contradiction. However, what you can learn in a classroom or a playground on solidarity, openness, discrimination, fear, loneliness or company full-length portrait, the beauty of human contradiction. Without so many shadows, the lights of solidarity, affection, respect, camaraderie, they could not show the true beauty of humanity.

The more radical positions, based undoubtedly in sad and real contradictions, do not consider formal education, one that occurs in schools and educational institutions as the best opportunity to meet with the differences, as only would be a sad reflection of who we are as a society. However, it must claim to formal education as a space for meeting with the differences, like the wonderful opportunity for the adults to learn from children, the simple joy of building bridges to walk among the many differences. For us as a society and as adults, it behooves us to provide good material for building bridges. If the inequalities that are at home, in the street, in public and private offices not completed, children will not have material worthy of the bridges, but fragile, constructed daily. For these bridges can endure in the lives of individuals and society, we are bound to change. What we do not do outside of school, it can not exist.

Campaign for a non-sexist education, secular and non-discriminatory

Cladem - Ecuador

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

If I Use Expired Chicken Broth


Soles occidere redire et possunt; nobis cum semel occisus brevis lux nox est est et a dormienda
life - Catullus -

Is there something that catches over the rejection of a kid who cover "Ram" McCartney where above appears holding a sheep by the horns? This image, among a collection of my older brother always pass unnoticed among the spectacular course covers Hipgnosis (UFO, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd or clinic "Difficult To Cure" always intrigued and repelled me equally). At that time, you can not say it was a passion for music, I just listened "The Wall " again and again. Period. But they could pass the hours without realizing it while admiring the covers and vinyl folders, the most powerful stimulus to the imagination of a child who has any civilization ever discovered. However, stacking between the seventies view of my brother, "Ram" never aroused my interest.

How little did I know then about the controversy that had raised the seemingly innocuous cover the relentless criticism that Paul Lennon devoted to "How Do You Sleep?" (of "Imagine" ) has its merits be at home looking images that appear on the cover and within the LP. Not afraid to vent their paranoia, Lennon said that the verse "Too many people preaching" cutting that opened the album, "Too Many People" , was addressed to him and Yoko, confirmed (as Lennon, insist) by some conversations I had with Paul and Linda, where supposedly, in a discussion between the two former Beatles, Paul had established humorous comparisons between Lennon and the stubbornness of farm animal. And the fact that on the cover, Paul appeared to dominate a ram (according to his interpretation, Lennon himself) and in the folder are two beetles (beetles) copulating, did not only confirmed their suspicions. Whatever the result or not of invention, since the idea for a title as "Ram" can come from that "Ramon" that McCartney signed in guestbook of hotels that provide the famous name Queens group, the provocation was real Lennon. Especially if, camouflaged gullible that way, I could only grasp their environment and not the general public. More direct, aggressive Lennon counterattacked with "How Do You Sleep?" worded attack, little subtle, against Macca. Highlights verse "Everything that you was yesterday / And since you're just another day went" Apart from the obvious reference to "Yesterday" , that "Another Day" was a reference to single mellifluous that lingered between Paul McCartney "and " Ram ", one containing " Another Day / Oh Woman Oh Why ". Furthermore, in "How .." works the other important Beatle, George Harrison and accompany your text in the folder from where it appeared, "Imagine" , Lennon grabbed a photo where a pig, thus returning the course attack on all fronts. A Macca did not like this at all, in his opinion had Lennon misunderstood or charged too seriously, which was a general comment or without malice, but precisely this uncertainty by declaring, accuses him directly. The public, looking for a culprit to the dissolution of the Beatles, gave quite relevant to the subject, with Paul who took the most hates the barrage of criticism. Besides, Macca, the three Beatles who have, was the least so far had met the expectations placed on him. That aforementioned single was mediocre and his eponymous first solo album, with its improvised nature and domestic, with Paul playing all instruments, despite a modest great album was not well received. Around the same time the debut of Macca, Lennon and Harrison drew works succulent as "Plastic Ono Band" and "All Things Must Past" , respectively. So "Ram" is a reverse reaction about their debut, even with its share of charm and casual home like that, is an album carefully interpreted and implemented, the work of a great craftsman of pop. Recorded with a band including the battery, the future Wing, Denny Seiwell and guitarist Hugh McCracken, who has played on albums by Steely Dan and Paul Simon (curiously, work with Lennon "Double Fantasy" ) . Also is one of the most beautiful declarations of love for the art of another musician who has ever undertaken, since "Ram" is an album where Paul is fluent in the ways of his admired Brian Wilson. In fact, this in my peculiar triumvirate of great records by the Beach Boys recorded by themselves (complete with "Mustard" of Roy Wood and, incongruous as it may seem on paper, "California" Mr. Bungle). An act of sincere devotion and fan militancy, by a major composer of Macca, which would be unable cynical Lennon, who no doubt even humiliate their former idols remember its embarrassing performance (in all senses of the word) in the Toronto festival. There are many details that do not overlook a follower of the hermeneutics of the Word made sound, that is, the fan of Brian Wilson: Linda choirs where one is hoping that between the timbre of Mike Love ( "Smile Away" ), the vocalizations of different sounds from Paul, the daily letters, use any household item as percussion "Too Many People" , the hum to "Little Pad" of "Smiley" The simplicity with which they begin to leave complicated issues, etc. And of course punctuated by those delicious appetizers rustic glory of his praise Buddy Holly as "Heart of the Country" and "Eat at Home" or those rock'n'roll proud as "Three Legs" . That if Paul is in a state so brilliantly that it can not be classified, contemptuously, as a mere exercise in style, not reverb uses this production so characteristic of the Beach Boys and Phil Spector, although it has similarities moreover, with the home production of records as "Smiley Smile" or "Friends" . Another reference, this is the realism of the (ambitious) production of "Ram" , which some critics see as the first indie album! (You can hear echoes of this album in the whole Team Elephant 6) may be the best Rick Rubin, of "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" or Echo . Highlight spare parts in this kaleidoscopic work, it would be unfair. Songs that changed dramatically during their development without ever losing its casual charm, pop, and those that had to either give away Laura Nyro (on your knees!) Along the vast "Eli & The 13th Confession" . A test that everything Paul with his voice and everything goes well (like thick tone "Monkberry Moon Delight ") accompanied by the choirs of Linda, much more than merely ornamental. And some arrangements to play the disc unravels with helmets and enjoy their sounds, as these metals in crescendo to Strauss "Long Haired Lady" , the balance between the ragged tone of some songs and fleshy string arrangements such as "The Back Seat Of My Car" that seems just out of "Abbey Road" or just sounds that mix of "tattered" combined with details of Goldsmith (without ever falling in overproduction) having along its course. Faced with such cliché

rocker current grupete who get tattoos with skulls in flames before a grungy learned chord, the familiar attitude of Paul McCartney overtones takes to be considered even against the system ("authentic rock"). Poor Paul, instead of gorging on burgers and amphetamine and of trying to enter the Guinness stringing victories, is going to live in the country with Linda. There is dedicated to the Hare Krishna murga a pain in the ass like Harrison, or to amaze the crap that Lennon and Yoko mounted, no. Retreats to a place away from public life and turn to release albums on their own, without so much pressure, but not for those able to escape the label of wimp of smallholder ambitions, when in fact the country life you have chosen is the least bourgeois Paul imaginable. The syrupy Macca supposedly has among its many merits to have overcome the violence of Little Richard himself (there is nothing!), Rising eighth vocal part in a "Long Tall Sally" is like sticking your fingers in a plug. And is that Macca can howl like more wiry shouter, not a Axl Rose with more layers of overlapping voices Barry Manilow even get aggressive facet Paul your version of "Live & Let Die" . That truism that Paul is only an interpreter corny (although it is true) collapses to listen to rock'n'roll he recorded with the Beatles and solo songs as "Maybe I'm Amazed" , "Jet" , "Magneto and the Titanium Man" or "The Back Seat of My Car" final issue work at hand. What looks like a mini suite lounge leads us, when it seems that it has completed, with the unexpected entrance of an impetuous battery, orgiastic climax where Paul claims that individualistic axiom course seems to have forgotten the rock, repeating "Oh we would not can be wrong ".
"Ram" is an album that makes you address the work that is provided inside as is, without preconceptions, letting you drag and those fabulous tunes (his best collection?), a cornucopia of sounds that are thrown generously, as this easygoing guy you host at his rural home and makes you feel at home. Each song is dropped naturally and juice it takes to fill it. That is the message of the album, enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Air innocent or naive is just part of his concept, clearly defined right from the bucolic home (yes, that cover!) But is a work that can only come to maturity (both personal, you understand the meaning of life such as music, given its ability to combine with the complex naif.) Paul's followers have wanted to see in "Ram" the second chapter of a tetralogy similar to "Four Seasons" by Vivaldi (his debut would be a family winter, "Ram" a summer of fun, " Wild Life a rustic fall and "Red Rose Speedway" the birth of spring, but fall under his charms, just simply click "Ram On" and remember a child late summer, clay and drawings Animated, with the sun calling abroad.

Friday, October 8, 2010

What To Do If Scorpio Man Disappears


After a long wait, finally the Board of Admissions of the Constitutional Court declared admissible claim of unconstitutional decrees 1780 and 15, the Committee Latin America and the Caribbean for the rights of women CLADEM introduced last year.

Demand provides that the fact has been covered by executive decree the exercise of these constitutional rights, which are subject to Act, involves formal unconstitutionality by violating both the exclusive competence of the legislator and the procedure governed the Constitution. In addition to Article 1 of the Constitution, Ecuador is defined as a sovereign state, intercultural, multi-ethnic and secular.

Contrary to the above rule and constitutional doctrine, the Decrees Nos. 1780 and 15 establish that the national government held the contract with representatives of the Catholic missions, Apostolic Vicariate of Capuchin Aguarico; Josefina Vicariate Apostolic of Napo, Dominican Vicariate Apostolic of Puyo, Salesian-Vicariate Apostolic of Méndez, Comboni, Vicariate Apostolic of Esmeraldas-Carmelites Apostolic Vicariate Sucumbios; Franciscan Zamora - Vicariate Apostolic of Zamora, and Franciscan Apostolic Vicariate of Galapagos Galapagos, acting in accordance with Article 1, paragraph a) of Decree 1780 replaced by Decree 15, "work towards strengthening cultures, in search of economic development designed from the perspective own peoples and nationalities living in the territorial constituencies where their missions set within the framework of respect for constitutional principles and the rights of communities, contributing to the consolidation of the multinational state, thereby safeguarding the care and protection of nature or Pachamama, ancestral traditions, social organization and processes that reinforce their own identity. "
More information: Here

New U.s. Arabic Stamp

Day for the Decriminalization of Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean

This September 28 Day for the Decriminalization of Abortion in Latin America. In Ecuador, a group of women showed up outside the Prosecutor of Pichincha with their bodies discovered demanding the decriminalization of abortion, also showed solidarity with the Women's Health Collective 098301317, information line on safe abortion with drugs, which was closed by the prosecution last Sept. 12, violating their right to provide information (Article 18 Constitution of Ecuador).

In our country the majority of women are poor and are exposed to unsafe abortions in secrecy and illegality, because the penalty abortion does not prevent women having abortions but exposes them to a black market that profits from their bodies and their desires. Demanding and require the Ecuadorian government and relevant authorities to decriminalize abortion in all its forms to ensure their rights.

The intention is also to open a debate on the reality front of abortion, leaving women at the center of this debate, that society begins to respect the decisions of women understand that this is a decision solely on them and that the State must ensure their health and life.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fotos De Travesti Camilla



One of the most inexplicable things about America is that despite having a nasty profile still hosts much beauty. Perhaps, as many thinkers have said, is precisely because of their vileness, or adversity that such beauty exists
(Leroy Jones)

Titans Howlin'Wolf or bronze as Muddy Waters, like princes in exile, the white man took revenge with winding wisdom of the serpent, perverting their liturgies around starving and pale boys across the ocean, in principle, receptacles too weak to be depositaries of ancient beats that were already old when the world was only a dark and putrid mud.

As in his day European musical traditions, carried by the settlers on their way, shaped the evangelical hymns of preachers, these psalms were altered to be imbued with musical forms and the profound spirituality of African slaves . If the population is Protestant religious singing these songs in hopes of finding the Promised Land of Canaan Jewish paradise, the Herculean stained black voices the melancholy of someone who has been stripped of his home and longs to return. This did not stop there, as the archaic music of the captives continued spreading the musical firmament as the beating of drums in the jungle.

that swarming black musical ties with Europe would tend to return later, came to be a continuous flow from the prehistory of jazz. The troubled French expressionists had taken the ragtime as a free and intuitive way to skip the corset that imprisoned symphonic music. Employee, in any form or in spirit, by famous musicians such as Debussy ("Golligow's Cakewalk") and Ravel (Piano Concerto in G ") that would be so influential for Aaron Copland or George Gerswhin the New World. In the present case, black styles continued to make the reverse journey, from the U.S. after the port cities of England, where blues records, rock, country and gospel, nursed the entire British diaspora formations, they would jump the pond in the sixties, including the Rolling Stones themselves. Reconquered America in 1972 with a musical coup made from the old continent, from that distant lover who was France, jazzmen like exiles. The settlers could have won the Revolutionary War, but these satanic subjects of his Gracious Majesty the ones who condensed the spirit and the musical roots of the new continent in a way, so absolutely modern as if suspended in night time. Pregnant artist of Protestant fervor of America more idealized and dreamed that vivid and deep and earthy devotion of the black slaves.

Like Will More character in "Rapture", Keith Richards influenced the use of heroin to stir something inside. Suppressed genetic memory. A sleeping estate. Both seek a blur, capture a child absorbed and feverish excitement that so accurately expressed in this dialogue of the play estranged de Zulueta, 'How long could you get to spend watching this chrome? Impossible to know, were in full flight, ecstasy, pause hung in the middle Caught! "And project it onto your creation. Richards sought to America dreamed up by the film and rock & roll, idealized from the gray London from his childhood neighborhood, dressed in cowboy outfit Roy Rodgers and listening to jazz albums his grandfather. Or the LPs in rock & roll and blues that began their friendship with a stranger by Mick Jagger to identify these records as a member of the secret brotherhood of the worshipers of the sweet black music. America's hidden foreign and the characters in the cover of the "Exile." Debugging the perception by the derangement of the senses that advocated William Blake. Expanding consciousness, emerging from the vapors of opiates. Never use the heroine as a catalyst art had caused so euphoric effects. The same drug devouring innocence in the hands of the Velvet Underground and the Stooges had already ended the dream of the sixties, in the veins of the vehemence Stones music breathes even more dilapidated to sizzle with the energy needed to stimulate the hippocampus a survivor of the Dust Bowl and relive the sounds of his time in a completely modern and ancient at the same time. Never internal reverberations caused by the poison more elusive and insulation of all provoked trepidation as expansive. Verily, compare the unhealthy atmosphere, waking dream veil of narcotics, disk immediately preceding it ("Sticky Fingers"), which may be the epitome alkaloid EVP "Sister Morphine", with the atmosphere of excitement amphetamine "Exile."

exiles in the land of Boris Vian, Keith, the British transcript of Django Reinhardt, anarchy and culture as other creative ennui. If the lifestyle of the rest of the Stones was Babylonian exile really the rest of us, absent of any loophole mundane and not only isolated from the Treasury and British forces. Paragraphs even themselves with Jagger lost among the international jet set of the hand of Bianca Perez and expecting her first child with her Mick Taylor a dissatisfaction with their role within the group and with Watts and Wyman absent in much of the preparatory sessions. Of course this was not a hippie commune dedicated to the pursuit of duende collective improvisations by the Grateful Dead. Richards, who seemed to act with the same neglect, just looking. As a Zen master, was examining how to capture a mood through the process forget your goal. Knowing that the entropy is the true natural state of the cosmos, was left to be embraced by the forces of chaos, peering at them with deliberate spontaneity. If under his leadership, the group becomes a Lope de Aguirre in search of El Dorado, Keith Richards was the poet who had toxic stole fire from the gods to guide them through the journey. Also, the shaman to purify the poison (heroin) and return it as water of life kind of spice Melanie.

Their antennae were tuned musical in the old main channel, located in a marsh poisoned howling electrified by contact with gaseous elements from abroad, one in which bathes the pendulous swing contracts and expands rhythmically to the space-time reading his own "Satisfaction" by Otis Redding, which plunges the Miles Davis of the revolutionary "In a Silent Way" and "Bitches Brew" diving in repetition and rhythmic intermittent pulses of tradition African, avoiding any Western musical conception. "Exile On Main Street" is an album that contains recognizable forms of various genres. A volcanic landscape that erupts a magma formed by antiquated sound traditional styles. But above all is a rock & roll. Moreover a particular musical style, is a vibration that sends us to the prehistory of the senses. From which spring the most primordial fears of the offspring of Homo habilis. The memory blind darkness in which we were hunted to retain our most distant cells. Fragmentary reminiscence evos unfortunate when the star was a swamp pulsating beat, reverberating with the echoes of dark primal forces. This album reeks of sex, sweat, amphetamine, jaws disjointed, narcotics, spree, orgy, alcohol. Anything to help us pass the night, everything that makes us stronger.

As Dylan himself or Harry Smith, Keith had a deep knowledge of American music from the early twentieth century. He knew that much of the charm that came off these songs lies in its interpretive power, how could one be privileged as the skin of those musicians? I could feel how those who had experienced the famine? Set amid the turmoil, creating a hostile and decadent disorientation simulating those that befell a people who were lost in a society that is metamorphosed rapidly driven by advances in technology and industry, people who sing to an idealized past between romantic mist. Abrupt changes in the social landscape also foster the emergence of radical ideologies, removing individuals to achieve a hypothetical collective destiny glorious doctrines like the Nazis who were quartered in Villa Nellcôte. Now inhabited by his early childhood memories who appear in the rubble of an England ruined by German bombing systematic.

"Being natural is the most artificial poses of "Oscar Wilde claimed. The immediacy and spontaneity oppose mediation processes required to record an album. It requires the cooperation of the will and knowledge. Wilde also left the assertion "I put all my genius into my life in my work I have put only my talent." In "Exile" these categories are inseparable. To catch a self-induced mood that shifts between a provision of the spirit of embracing the joy of life and the desperation to hold on so tightly that the nails bleed and crack grasped the breath of life more miserable, you need to inoculate the field energy inert vital breath breathe the sound spectrum. The sound was such purification, the method used was as finely distilled detail or arrangement, and the disc is full of them, are employed with a mastery that denies even the chance, however, appear to result from this. Capture the magic virgin the first time by a wise and perhaps more prescient than lucid, avoiding chaotic recording routines and common places to hunt and capture the essential spark. Subsequently, the recordings were doctored in Sunset Sound studios in Los Angeles, seeking to maintain intact the sense of sound verite than professional recording to listen to prevail an effect similar to the work in progress running through the film "One Plus One", the Stones' collaboration with Godard. The techniques of a documentary film used in a rock.
The parallel drawn between this magnum opus and "Basement Tapes" of Dylan, with its obvious points in common (dual format, a feeling of collective improvisation, craft and home recording and the same equipment that was recorded) has obscured the intrinsic virtues stoniana methodology used in the preparation of this LP. That has more to do with the way to recording a jazz style rock band the Stooges faced as the recording of their fundamental "Fun House "with Don Galucci, mixed with film of the method, editing and riding hours and hours of improvisations, Teo Macero in Miles Davis electric drives.

There is a scene in "Wattstax" film documenting the festival of the same name as the Stax label organized on Aug. 72 in Los Angeles after race riots in the Watts neighborhood that has always impressed me greatly. The Emotions, that delicious pop-soul trio, perform the gospel song "Peace Be Still" in a small parish church. They are singing to a white audience, but they are not only devoted to their community, their accomplices. Are offering their songs for themselves, looking for a crack in the silence that scares away the dark. During his performance is happening scenes of hysteria, even a woman is removed from the auditorium provocársele an epileptic episode. The same music is growing as the roar of a storm, ending in a climax paroxysmal. As if awakened from a dream, as if singing alone. No importance can be a benchmark for the uprooted black community, a population that in the new world is stripped of any freedom or possession, could have the music. These songs are all they had. The last link with the golden hues of Africa. No one can express the value of their unique treasure, but if you can be listening to his work. If whites conquered their bodies, they seized their souls. From exile. From "Exile on Main Street" of black majesties. The same fluid is watered cardinal drive of the Stones.

I have relied on accidents throughout my life
(Keith Richards)

There were few guests at the meetings that took place in the chateau de Villa Nellcôte, leased on behalf of Keith, who settled there with his partner, Anita Pallenberg and their son, Marlon. Although the number varies according to the source, more than seventy people lived in daily the mansion and many more are passing through. Apart from the large retinue of the group, since members of rock royalty like John Lennon and Yoko Ono, beat writers like William Burroughs and Terry Southern, the toxic twin Richards, Gram Parsons bartered Southern music master classes and tinsel to drug to be expelled for their behavior, not to mention camels, junkies legendary and freeloaders who give lessons to the brother of Popeye. As a summer camps organized by Tod Browning. The Stones were locked with his peculiar world, forgetting that the bulk living ordinary mortals. Beginning the untimely sessions in early July 71 in an atmosphere of debauchery and revelry: missing members of the group sessions, or a musician exchanged instruments of support not found the relevant Stone, trips to Monte Carlo to play in their casinos, a Richards enganchadísimo using heroin as a network, throwing a blind between the ether where they live songs, others less famous addicts who rolled micro cables to inject heroin, wrapped in legend incidents such as fire caused by an absent-minded cook or theft of several guitars of Keith and the final episode starring the French gendarmerie breaking into the mansion, alarmed by the continuous visits to the town wanted traffickers. Ending the Stones' stay in French tour in October of that year.

From there jump to Los Angeles (Sunset Sound Recorders studies) not only to mix and tweak, but also to record a song right there, "Loving Cup" (premiered at the famous Hyde Park concert in the 69), "Torn and frayed "and" Sweet Black Angel. "
also took the opportunity to enter all parts of piano and keyboards, which were commissioned Dr John and Billy Preston, excluding parts of Nicky Hopkins who came mostly from France, another development, there is the inclusion of all choirs with "air gospel." Of these choirs were responsible Clydie King (one of the two alleged secret wives of Bob Dylan that seems to bore him two children at Duluth), Venetta Field and Jesse Kirkland. The choirs were inspired after a visit of Mick and Preston to an evangelical church.

may also be present almost all of LA session musicians, but that is impossible to know who got what because Richards himself probably did not know. Almost all songs are tweaked to a greater or lesser extent ("Casino Boogie" seems to be one of the few that were left as recorded in Nellcôte). "Rocks Off", "Rip this joint," "Shake Your Hips", "Shine a Light" and "Ventilator Blues" were the most modified.

Finally to make things easier, some issues from previous sessions: "Shine a Light" are the days of the Olympic Studios (From "Beggars Banquet" and "Let It Bleed") and "Sweet Virginia" and previously worked in both the Olympic Studios and the meetings of the "Sticky Fingers." Some of these recordings and bases were used for mixtures of "Exile On Main Street."

The atypical production of Jimmy Miller, as if the Stones "touch inside a hurricane", is evident from the start with "Rocks Off." The listener has the feeling of being located in the vortex of a maelstrom where sound waves spill instruments, so seemingly disjointed but with nothing left to chance or lost in the sonic maelstrom. In rhythmic pieces like the above "Turd on the Run", "Rip this Joint" (the piece of higher pace of the Stones at the moment) or recreation hypnotic rockabilly of "Shake Your Hips" by Slim Harpo seems recorded by Sam Philips at Sun studios, one gets the feeling of listening to music through the electromagnetic field of a particle accelerator that electricity saturate these songs, this is so intense that it shows the power crossing through them. The cyclotron vacilona stops at the "Casino Boogie" that allows us to determine crystal-another element present in the album: the duets between Jagger and Richards, who has never returned to play a central role in the battles so vocal. In almost all the songs, the nasal voice dubbing the voices of Keith Jagger. The effect, when perceived paths voices singing at the same time, is unprecedentedly harmonious. Even when they sound like those toothless deliciously dissonant chorus of "Sweet Virginia." And when sound uneven, are for electrons crackling rhythmic brio enthusiastic about the atomic structure of the song. The nerve with which Richards sings indolent in "Happy" contrasts with the feeling of euphoria spread to listen to a song that could not keep a tighter title.
If the influence of cosmic American music of Gram Parsons is present in "Sweet Virginia" and "Torn & Frayed", echoes other vintage obsession Richards, the mythological Robert Johnson, are perceived in metallic acuity Jagger's voice and dragged the dirty blues of "Ventilator Blues." Never took the country with the same seriousness as the blues, which allows them to mold more irreverently with drops of calypso in the country blues of "Sweet Black Angel. " In "Exile" any sound, limp that seems isolated, is included with a purpose that is evident when listening to the whole, including the use of silences, as the battery syncope spaced Watts in "Shine a Light" to appears to retain the listener's heartbeat with the same skill he used Moe Tucker in "Heroin." Do not forget that Mick Jagger acknowledges having previously attempted to copy the sound of the Velvet and the "Stray Cat Blues." The instrumentation used is located in places unknown but which are not at all misplaced. The same can be said about the styles used on the album, blurred their limits to be confused, merged into a single primordial mud. Worth the example of "Loving Cup", a subject that is difficult to pigeonhole into a specific style and carries this unusual (for the context) embedded steel drum arrangement. O as being the most recognizable stylistic soul the greatest absent from work, the presence of this style as a breath through the entire disk spectrum. And the healing power of gospel arising from songs like "Shine a Light" or in this miraculous way of using the metal, accelerating your molecular structure to ecstasy or ghostly fanfare take your soul by ancient paths as in "Let It Loose ". An anti-"Let it be "with a sound similar to the Velvet's third album (considered by some velvetianos as his album" soul ") that starts with a touch of mellotron and guitar sound passed through a Leslie amp. Vertebrate on rhythm guitar eminently Richards, connecting up with a regular rhythm tar walls, amputees by parasitic noise riffs as sharp as razors and battery of a magnificent Watts, which overlaps the whipping ferrous Jagger's voice (which has never again be so arrogant as here). Throughout the "Exile" seems to observe a dusty mirror, dressed in rags and tatters of a past more intuited they experienced. A distorted sense of deja vu. A helping a sense, hidden between layers of spontaneity, of a complex craft and sonic detail that lies behind the inertia that seems to be the main force used. As if every time we listened the album the Stones did it again to record before our ears. Although
reception by audiences and critics was not expected to work closing the tetralogy a vein Stones had started with "Beggars Banquet" and continuing with "Let It Bleed" and "Sticky Fingers", the Time has confirmed the powerful influence of this album. Other double albums that combine a joyful longing the power of rock with an encyclopedic intent regarding this as "London Calling" or "Being There" have to double the Stones their relative greater degree of consanguinity. Even the album version of Nick Cave, the fabulous "Kicking Against the Pricks" has more similarities to "Exile" with the "Pin Ups" by Bowie. And what about Tom Waits from "Swordfishtrombones" and predicted by the cavalcade of poisonous and decrepit bones ghostly instruments, tissues such as in an absurd collaboration between Buñuel Harry Patch and the Mexican stage of "I Just Want to See His Face ", or in its unusual production basement where moisture seeps where it was recorded through the microphones that sound shaping muddy that characterizes the album. It is no coincidence that if the kings of rock artie wanted to record his own version of "White Album" by The Beatles, The Jon Spencer, Pussy Galore, whose sole intention was to kill the rock and sit back and gloat over his corpse, were in Stones's "Exile" the most exemplary instruction manual. But above all, "Exile on Main Street" is a seminal album that embraces the history of rock, while its future influence. A site where you can see past casting its shadow over the infinite