Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Guys For Mature Gallery

Wikileaks: Royal Wedding. George Harrison

Wikileaks A few months ago revolutionized the world, violating the secrecy in which pristine civilization Western was founded.

So much so that yesterday were announced the Nobel Prize nominations, and could this be the year that the organization takes the prize.

following the latest revelation of the website.

THE LAST CALL FOR THE ROYAL WEDDING. One of the most important historical and political event of the year: The wedding of Prince William. There is only one last invitation to the ceremony and the English Parliament has not yet decided who will be the guest. Meet some "heads of state" to discuss and make a decision. This is what happened.

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Palace of Westminster. London, England.

Office of Lord Chamberlain, Sir. William Peel.

Lord Chamberlain: Gentlemen, as you know we gathered here to decide who will receive the final invitation to the wedding of His Majesty, Prince William and Kate Middleton young.

Gaddafi: I think it's obvious that I deserve the invitation. I'm used to attend events in this category, plus my exquisite taste precedes me. I love all things gold, gold, sun, Ebola, golden showers, urine. (Spit an exotic turban of 24 Karat, buy the sun)

AMLO: I like the golden shower, I made it up. I also made lava. And giraffes.

(opens the door, Nicolas Sarkozy made an entry drmática)


Lord Chamberlain: "Nicolas, you again? Already told you to be a small wedding and the invitations have been distributed, sorry.

Gaddafi: By the way, I need invitation for my 234 concubines. (Purchase Sweden, vomits a yellow canary diamond)

AMLO: You gonna eat that? (Fry vomiting, eats, naps)

Lord Chamberlain : Gentlemen, we are diverting the purpose of this meeting ...

Gaddafi : I think I should also mention that I'm the one to receive this invitation, after all I knew very well the mother of William, Princess Diana.

Sarkozy: (He goes to a bank of 40 cm) Did Princess Diana? For me this woman is dead.

(again slammed the door interrupts the meeting, falls Charlie Sheen)

Charlie Sheen: I DESERVE THE INVITATION! I AM THE BLACK SWAN! (Holding a gun made of pure cocaine and a bag of cocaine)

Lord Chamberlain: Charlie Sheen?! Not supposed to be in some AA meeting or something.

Charlie Sheen: A cock with it!, AA is for suckers, and the AAA is to Mexican truckers and disgusting. (Caress a pigeon, you head off)

Lord Chamberlain: Charlie, this meeting is for heads of state of the third world. What makes you think you deserve an invitation to the Royal Wedding.

Charlie Sheen: Once killed a man because it was Tuesday. (Upload the photo to Twitter decapitated chick with tag # winning)

Sarkozy: I like vaginas.

Charlie Sheen: The vagina is like a butterfly made of beef steaks and dreams. (The clashes with Sarkozy)

Lord Chamberlain: Gentlemen, I think this is getting out of hand, it might be better schedule ...

(Charlie Sheen interrupts again)

Charlie Sheen: Ask me how many vaginas in the world. Answer: How 3 billion. Ask me again how many vaginas. Answer: Not enough.

Gaddafi: Trivia, Did a glass of oil per day containing the necessary amount of iron, minerals and nausea as your body needs? The blood of my concubines. (Cry oil, baby, what spills)

Charlie Sheen: Shut up, coffee person, because I have the perfect wedding gift for His Majesty: It's old and in turn something borrowed, I HOPE. HERPES!

AMLO: One day, I invented and called Herpes ANGELICA VALE. (Zarape and is put back to sleep)

Charlie Shee: THE HATE! I hate them all! (Take a bottle of Caltrate 600 and retires to the bathroom)

(Continued meeting)

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6 hours later.

(Charlie Sheen finally emerges from the bathroom)

Charlie Sheen: I loved this magnificent artifact made of ceramic with a hole in the middle of warm water and perfectly designed to wash one foot at a time. Magnificent! I want to take to America.

Lord Chamberlain: Charlie is an ordinary toilet.

AMLO : Sometimes when I bathe, I only wash my hair and let the shampoo drip all over my body and cleanse my soul.

Sark Ozy: I AM THE KING OF FRANCE It's so cold in my heart. I am unable to feel love. (Pashmina is choking with John Galliano)

Lord Chamberlain : (Takes the phone) Yes, you could send an ambulance, please ....

Charlie Sheen: This revolver known to tears.

(Continued meeting)

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