Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Can You Paint Candles?

life plan.

E d í l other to read an article about mo c or today's society is so obsessed with n perfection that men and women do whatever it takes to be more young . The 40 have become the new 30 and 30 are the new 20 . Which means that I have 92 years ! (I hate math, I like cocaine).

The article got me thinking how important it is to achieve my goals as soon as possible . And in recent years, the staff is getting higher (at my age Mark Zuckerberg had stolen Facebook and Anahí had contracted Herpes 14 times ). So I decided to do
things I have to do before turning 24 and / or die:

  • Find the love of my life.
  • Tell the love of my life that I love (I'm dumb and / or unable to feel love for another living being).
  • Blow some stuff.
  • be filthy rich , so rich they can buy yachts 8.
  • be even richer renting 7 of the 8 yachts. ( Anyway I can only be one at a time).
  • Become an organ donor (I'm a collector of fine musical instruments and want to donate some to charity )
  • not see Ga'Hoole: The Legend of guardians. EVER.
  • arm myself with courage and for once in my life tell NO to iTunes. (Fun fact: I spent 17 years and 3 months to accept the Terms and Conditions of iTunes). Create
  • 7 clones of me to use the other yachts 7. Initiate a
  • Banda de Screamo Cristiano with my 7 clones.
  • Raping a baby Koala tear the skin and send it to Angelica Vale by mail.
  • Invent a time machine and go back in time to avoid violating the Koala Baby (also buy lemons and speculate with the price = more filthy rich.)
  • Finish reading
  • Dinosaur Augusto Monterroso And to sum up a sheet , Arial 12.
  • Make my 7 clones are a cure for 2 Diabetes Mellitus sucking on sunflower seeds and sugar into the blood in a renewable energy source.
  • Edit a Wikipedia article . Kill
  • Margarita Gralia , inventor of the Xenon lights. (According to an article in modified Wikipedia .)
  • Buy a quinceañera dress.
  • be happy.


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