Thursday, February 26, 2009

Imagenes Foyando Con Animales

Rod Stewart "Smiler" (1974)

was Rod's first album I bought. The truth that this kind I have always fallen very badly and resisted me so stupid, to plunge into its first real good solo albums for this personal mania. It was in basis of their tremendous work in the Jeff Beck Group why I stop bullshit and I caught this record.

Well, once home, I remember that I have two articles where Rod review this period. Seeking the first and go, I seem to have acquired the worst record of the top five. The album will appear as a mere exercise in style, a watered-down copy of the previous albums but not to repeat the magic of those days. Some fly, I put the disk. That sounds great version of "Sweet little rock'n'roll" of Berry. Well, at least for this song is worth the investment (cost me cheap in a remastered edition with bonus). "Farewell" from the pen of Stewart follows the line itself folkie how well is given, with that melancholy as Irish expressing voice (although he is not Irish, or anything, but if you have that point triston). "Sailor" is also own, in-hand with his colleague Ron Wood. Incidentally, the cast of musicians involved in this record is impressive: the Memphis Horns, Elton John, Rick Gretch and Kenny Jones, among others. Returning to

"Sailor" being written by these two freeloaders, rock'n'roll is a whoring, fun-loving Southerner, with his piano machachon, its winds, its chorus Negroid and all those topics when they are interpreted as well the pure essence of rock. It's funny how the Faces and the Stones being British are a much better Southern rock bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd or Allman Brothers. The only American group at this level are Creedence not come from South America.

Despite his casual appearance, their legendary vagueza and stinginess, Rod is a guy with some intelligence, knowing that the "Bring it on home to me" Sam Cooke itself is unsurpassed (and more if the version the "Live At The Harlem Square Club" ) gives it an arrangement unusual. Celtic violins which joins the orchestra, giving more prominence to the instrumental accompaniment to the voice of Rod. And in another intelligent decision, results in a fragment of "You send me" (also Cooke). The way in which Cooke was riding in the direct said: repeating the chorus over and over again, creating a nice effect paroxysmal, interpreted as consumed by the passion that forgets what encryption and to end or continue the song, for stopping to squeeze all the juice of a simple phrase, a musical moment stopped, a moment where Rod has been detained "to smell the flowers." This ties in well with the personality of a hedonistic as Rod. What could have been a scrub and a super catastrophe has been fixed.

inseparable Elton John and Taupin composed for this album, "Let me be your car" Elton sings a duet with Rod (and plays the piano, of course). A very Southern soul effective. Stewart again take risks. This version of "You make me feel like a natural woman" written by Carole King , is opposing the version of Aretha Franklin, considered as final. Sin of heresy, I like most of this album. Arrangements have that aroma between Celtic and Southern soul not far from what Van Morrison was doing in those years. "Dixie toot" southern soul is more meaty and first. "Hard Road" is composed of the elder brothers of the Ac / Dc, that is, the Easybeats (who penned the classic example "Bring a little lovin '" for the Braves). More Southern soul, boogie with a point here and a lot of percussion, with its point of New Orleans gumbo. This, on paper, may seem redudante. In all, it's more fun to listen to other great ideas about the role that is unusually fatiguing to the ear. A miniature acoustic guitar instrumental, precedes the rigorous version of Dylan "Girl of the north country" . As you may know those who know me, I hate Dylan. But Rod's voice makes me even palatable. A voice gritty and rotates as the Duluth, but that if they can sing and perform. And treatment to Van Morrison is delicious. Another legendary figure, is much more to my liking, Paul McCartney, who composed the song is released due album "Mine for me" . It is another piece folky as before, that of Dylan. It's only the beginning, between acoustic guitar and an organ is precious.

In order that the criticism of this album, among which are added some sloppiness, I seem somewhat absurd. The charm of discs Rod has always been that feeling run-down, impromptu partying with friends. Although in fact, but would have to review, this disc seems more settled in their first five. This confusion of mine is because they are all very even in sound and quality. Some pull over to the folk triston tomorrow's hangover, others rock of revelry last night, but as even on the same disc, one song to another, combining these two facets, it is difficult with certainty which side prevails in each disk. Although the guy I keep falling something big, but think that their current standard discs are horrible, the first five albums are superb.



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