Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The-blueprints Black Pearl Ship

Guide to becoming a Tuitstar.

L higher í a people have the same goals in life: graduate a good university, find a good job , rub your crotch against a dummy S ears , marry, make the Pap , rescue a baby dinosaur and nurse for forty days , divorce, ride your car and put on lipstick when you cry for all those strange and are now dead to sea to your lizard dino regardless adolescent sexual preference , c onvertirte a tuitstar , die .

Although with my limited 18 years, I'm a little late with most of my goals ( I have not done the Pap ) I managed to become in tuitstar youngest 23 years never existed .

tuitstar be a very simple and does not require much effort:

  • Having 30 years and live with your parents.

  • Working in the maquila.

  • Owning a 62% of your body mass equivalent to fat.

  • have grooves and / or skin orange and / or varicose veins.

  • be dead inside and not know it yet .

Do not meet the requirements? not worry! then show

callodehacha The guide handed Miguel de la Madrid to become a tuistar when he managed to create a being genetically similar to Miguel de la Madrid-based sunflower seeds and invented the dawn.

The Avatar.

Your disgusting photos Facebook not work here, silly. To succeed in Twitter avatar you need to get the perfect , a mixture of mystery and disinterest (or what is known as the Twitter Effect )


Effect Twitter.

Effect Twitter.

Note to readers : Most twitterers theUniversity, the number of people that follows is directly proportional to their weight in kilograms.


Being aware of what's happening in the world and comment is not enough. Am I the only person who is concerned that the sun is burning? N O. But pretend that nothing happens. Disclaimer Calderon (Do) .

your say people like to know what you think.

Want to use your account for a good casus? Take the democracy to countries as distant and fantastic Tlaxcala or Libya.

Want to use your account for evil? Traffic servants.

Recommended topics:

  • vaginal Cheese.

  • Panela Cheese. ( Fun fact: the fresh cheese is obtained from the tears of the cow.)

  • Poor and / or servants.

  • Your coffee.

  • AIDS.

The s alternate account.

Do not have friends ? Twitter is a social network that lets you inventártelos , feel free to do so.

( View: And if he did )

NOT Tepic. ( No exceptions)

Here's simple tips and who knows. Maybe you can be the next win dor of The Ashauri Award.

* If you are from Tepic, do not even try.


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