Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Lindsay Lohan will give his first interview since released from rehab Taylor Swift

Everyone is awaiting the first big interview Lindsay Lohan since she left rehab in January and this week everyone will know its history and has sat down to talk to Extra.

Lindsay Lohan spoke with Jerry Penacoli on all their recent troubles with treatment to the possibility of jail thanks to the large charges of theft for having brought a string of $ 2.500.

The interview will take place in the house of Lindsay Lohan, and a fragment of the video, the singer Lohan is seen with her long blonde hair.

this week, Lindsay Lohan was informed by Judge Schwartz that any deal with prosecutors having to take her to the same prison, and now the singer has until March 10 to plead guilty.

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Jake Gyllenhaal would be forgetting going out with Natalie Portman

Taylor Swift has sparked speculation he would be leaving with Chord Overstreet after being seen with the actor's 'Glee' in a hockey game in Los Angeles.

country star split from Hollywood actor Jake Gyllenhaal in December 2010 after a brief romance, but it seems that Taylor Swift would have gone on now with Chord Overstreet.

Both stars were caught having a great time together during the game of hockey. However, it was reported that at some point you get to take your hands.

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Chord Overstreet at the gala

Natalie Portman appeared in the 'Independent Spirit Awards' on 26 February. The actress from 'The Black Swan' wore a lovely smile while posing for pictures. Natalie Portman is one of the favorites to win the Oscar for Best Actress this Sunday.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Cruising Spots In Alabama

E NTRA George Harrison to a bar. Neither é l or the waiter say a word. Both to n est dead. Not a bar, is a tomb. Your tomb.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Building A Horse Cart

the Independent Spirit Awards Vanessa Hudgens without makeup runs its course

Vanessa Hudgens ran through the streets of Los Angeles in a very natural look and wore no makeup.

Miss Hudgens wore a gray hooded sweatshirt, trousers and sports tight white baseball cap with the word 'Faith' written.

Squashing And Sitting Fetish

Britney denies pregnancy

few days ago that the press has speculated that the singer would be pregnant with her boyfriend , after he saw some pictures where the singer was seen with a few extra kilos .

Thus, the singer refuted this news, which had been circulated web site "Hollywood Life" which claimed that the pop princess had her stomach bloated than normal therefore questionable whether the singer was pregnant again.

Many must think that a pregnancy at this stage of the life of Britney, would not be good because his career reputed is finally following the crisis that happened the girl.

totally psyched singer in his career and his upcoming album will be released in a few weeks, we remember one of the most anticipated by the buzz they have created the singer and her producers.

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Kim Kardashian is not yet ready to become a mother

Kim Kardashian has a new love, but this implies that the reality star wants to rush into a marriage and having children. In an interview with 'Extra' asked about that possibility, she said: "Not at this time."

The star of 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians' however, admitted there has been a little beside the point, adding: 'I can never know what the future holds. "

Kim Kardashian, moreover, seems in love with her new man, the NBA star Kris Humphries. 'I do not think I've found nothing wrong, let's leave it for now,' he said, laughing.

As for his life in business, which includes his foray into television, fashion, perfume and jewelry, Kim Kardashian says he still has a lot to go through. "People say, 'What else could you do?". Well, there is enough '.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The-blueprints Black Pearl Ship

Guide to becoming a Tuitstar.

L higher í a people have the same goals in life: graduate a good university, find a good job , rub your crotch against a dummy S ears , marry, make the Pap , rescue a baby dinosaur and nurse for forty days , divorce, ride your car and put on lipstick when you cry for all those strange and are now dead to sea to your lizard dino regardless adolescent sexual preference , c onvertirte a tuitstar , die .

Although with my limited 18 years, I'm a little late with most of my goals ( I have not done the Pap ) I managed to become in tuitstar youngest 23 years never existed .

tuitstar be a very simple and does not require much effort:

  • Having 30 years and live with your parents.

  • Working in the maquila.

  • Owning a 62% of your body mass equivalent to fat.

  • have grooves and / or skin orange and / or varicose veins.

  • be dead inside and not know it yet .

Do not meet the requirements? not worry! then show

callodehacha The guide handed Miguel de la Madrid to become a tuistar when he managed to create a being genetically similar to Miguel de la Madrid-based sunflower seeds and invented the dawn.

The Avatar.

Your disgusting photos Facebook not work here, silly. To succeed in Twitter avatar you need to get the perfect , a mixture of mystery and disinterest (or what is known as the Twitter Effect )


Effect Twitter.

Effect Twitter.

Note to readers : Most twitterers theUniversity, the number of people that follows is directly proportional to their weight in kilograms.


Being aware of what's happening in the world and comment is not enough. Am I the only person who is concerned that the sun is burning? N O. But pretend that nothing happens. Disclaimer Calderon (Do) .

your say people like to know what you think.

Want to use your account for a good casus? Take the democracy to countries as distant and fantastic Tlaxcala or Libya.

Want to use your account for evil? Traffic servants.

Recommended topics:

  • vaginal Cheese.

  • Panela Cheese. ( Fun fact: the fresh cheese is obtained from the tears of the cow.)

  • Poor and / or servants.

  • Your coffee.

  • AIDS.

The s alternate account.

Do not have friends ? Twitter is a social network that lets you inventártelos , feel free to do so.

( View: And if he did )

NOT Tepic. ( No exceptions)

Here's simple tips and who knows. Maybe you can be the next win dor of The Ashauri Award.

* If you are from Tepic, do not even try.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Microvave Oven Sharp 9h81b

Valentine's Day.

Apparently everything in this country is going to cock . Wherever you turn around to see young people still do not finish high school and are joining a gang ( Team callus) or Felipe Calderón helping to cross the street to an old woman as she whispers in his ear: "will never leave a baby in your vagina" or prostitutes dressed as nuns trying to sell homemade eggnog using their sexuality . Yes, the country is going to hell. But today we can do all that aside for now is February 14.

The February 14 is one day more important for this country. And no, I mean the day that our national hero, Vicente Guerrero , died shot in Cuilapam Oaxaca. I mean the day of love. 8 years ago today was in prison in a wheelchair, c ubierto in my own blood (or playing Yu-Gi-Oh! with my imaginary friends I do not remember well) but many things have changed since then. Now on February 14 has become, for me, one of those nights where I have a lot sex and sex mean an uncontrollable desire to mourn all night to create a huge mass of water not allow me to breathe and to end my life once and for all (always confuse those two).

For this reason and parcel of my Maya Kin I decided to give some tips for this Valentine's Day:

Places NO look for love:


There just are people forgotten by God and Ernesto La Guardia . And if you were to bump it to you, remember: The more afraid of you than you of him. Only appears to be calm and go. ( Fun fact: A group of Ernestos The guard is called: Homicide)

The love of your life is not dead (unless yes * ).
  • Tepic, Nayarit.

This place does not exist, Dopey.

  • Starbucks.

As its name implies (Starbucks comes from the French word "Les bian" ) we only I meet lesbians wearing plaid shirts to talk about imaginary band called "Arcade Fire " and books written in dead languages \u200b\u200b called "French " . Stay away from this place .

Places YES look for love:

  • El Pollo Loco.

Most of women who visit this place have been abused by her father and still without knowing they are entitled to vote . Use this to make you feel safe and steal the little faith they still have in the world.

  • Pantheon *

By process of elimination, the love of your life may already be dead , search for it here.

  • UVM

* See El Pollo Loco *

I hope these tips will be of much useful as I have been to me, and have a fascinating night like that will I, full of great sex ( or Type 2 Diabetes, also confuse these ).

Happy Valentine's Day!