Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Throad Little White Blisters

Mr. Bungle "California" (1999)

The band's last album of Mike Patton and Trey Spruance is the disc alongside more accessible of the three that gave us the most achieved and the level of songs. Stylistic changes within a song are better integrated than in the two previous albums and easily engage the listener. The title of the album, it seems, is a joke at the expense of the Red Hot Chili Peppers then delivered their mediocrisimo "Californication" . Apart from this detail, also indicates the overall immersion in the music of the coast: surf, Hawaiian music and many details pointing to the greatest ambassador of music California, Brian Wilson.

Verily those drums that appear in the first issue, "Sweet charity" having a left to the music of Hawaii. "None of Them Knew They Were Robots" is a marvel multiestilisica concretion, a power surfing mixed with swing base, where they insert all the crazy things they come up! And work!: Metaleras guitars, music from cartoons, retro touches futuristic, funk, jazz and even pieces sung in Latin. To send the halo of which never had to leave all those swing sclerotic bands that emerged in the 90 to root bodriosa success of the movie "The Mask " (that hodgepodge starring actor Jim infra Carrey). "Retrovertigo" is most conventional album. A part-time with some melodic guitar pop and scheduled basis. But back to Brian Wilson, "The air conditioned nightmare" is a "Good Vibrations" modern. Wilson explotation the best I have heard in decades. No copy cliches (well, some structure, choirs and percussion if you have air, but well run), only allowing himself to imbue the unhealthy environment that swept much of the "Smiley Smile" . In "Ars moriendi with what they play is with Romani gypsy music from Eastern Europe, with rave metalheads and some mention of Dick Dale (again California surf music) creating an atmosphere of revelry downright fun.



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