Saturday, November 13, 2010

What Does It Mean When A Wart Bleeds

November 13, National Day of Education in Ecuador

Bernal Gabriela Carrera

On the Importance of Education has talked a lot. Quality, access, funding, politics, sexual abuse in the educational system, the influence of media on their actions, are among other issues addressed by various social actors. Conclusions almost always negative, based on situations and unfortunately based on reality. In fact, those who work in the field of education ended with a bitter taste in the mouth, each time a report is submitted or know the results of recent evaluations.

However, when we celebrate the National Day of Education, it is necessary to think from the positive: not celebrated a birthday, the defects of the honoree (or honoree), celebrated the contradiction of being beautiful , if any, to be. Therefore, should be held to Education and the possibilities it, even with its flaws and limitations, provide children, and young people living in Ecuador.

In a country where the various differences (forgive the pun), are almost always a source of discrimination and inequality, education is the best place to demonstrate it. But it is also the place where you can leave out the best in human beings. And they are smaller and those who offer us the best lessons, one of which is the most important thing is being together, play together. Even if you fight and say bad things, they find the best way to get back together, because what is really valuable is the ability to invent new group games. No child prefer to play alone to have one or more peers or playmates.

is true that these games can be played scenes of discrimination and violence, it is true that boys and girls played the sad social conditions in which they live, but this is the responsibility of us, and we allow adult (when do not contribute), they are possible. However, although this is advertised as an unfortunate example, little or no case is made of what we as adults should learn from children: the smiles, the search for negotiation designed to continue together, overcoming contradictions.

There is no doubt that it is impossible to escape the contradictions, nor education can. But in defense of contradictions, are the ones that make us human. Our status as humanity is marked by contradiction. However, what you can learn in a classroom or a playground on solidarity, openness, discrimination, fear, loneliness or company full-length portrait, the beauty of human contradiction. Without so many shadows, the lights of solidarity, affection, respect, camaraderie, they could not show the true beauty of humanity.

The more radical positions, based undoubtedly in sad and real contradictions, do not consider formal education, one that occurs in schools and educational institutions as the best opportunity to meet with the differences, as only would be a sad reflection of who we are as a society. However, it must claim to formal education as a space for meeting with the differences, like the wonderful opportunity for the adults to learn from children, the simple joy of building bridges to walk among the many differences. For us as a society and as adults, it behooves us to provide good material for building bridges. If the inequalities that are at home, in the street, in public and private offices not completed, children will not have material worthy of the bridges, but fragile, constructed daily. For these bridges can endure in the lives of individuals and society, we are bound to change. What we do not do outside of school, it can not exist.

Campaign for a non-sexist education, secular and non-discriminatory

Cladem - Ecuador