Wednesday, October 13, 2010

If I Use Expired Chicken Broth


Soles occidere redire et possunt; nobis cum semel occisus brevis lux nox est est et a dormienda
life - Catullus -

Is there something that catches over the rejection of a kid who cover "Ram" McCartney where above appears holding a sheep by the horns? This image, among a collection of my older brother always pass unnoticed among the spectacular course covers Hipgnosis (UFO, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd or clinic "Difficult To Cure" always intrigued and repelled me equally). At that time, you can not say it was a passion for music, I just listened "The Wall " again and again. Period. But they could pass the hours without realizing it while admiring the covers and vinyl folders, the most powerful stimulus to the imagination of a child who has any civilization ever discovered. However, stacking between the seventies view of my brother, "Ram" never aroused my interest.

How little did I know then about the controversy that had raised the seemingly innocuous cover the relentless criticism that Paul Lennon devoted to "How Do You Sleep?" (of "Imagine" ) has its merits be at home looking images that appear on the cover and within the LP. Not afraid to vent their paranoia, Lennon said that the verse "Too many people preaching" cutting that opened the album, "Too Many People" , was addressed to him and Yoko, confirmed (as Lennon, insist) by some conversations I had with Paul and Linda, where supposedly, in a discussion between the two former Beatles, Paul had established humorous comparisons between Lennon and the stubbornness of farm animal. And the fact that on the cover, Paul appeared to dominate a ram (according to his interpretation, Lennon himself) and in the folder are two beetles (beetles) copulating, did not only confirmed their suspicions. Whatever the result or not of invention, since the idea for a title as "Ram" can come from that "Ramon" that McCartney signed in guestbook of hotels that provide the famous name Queens group, the provocation was real Lennon. Especially if, camouflaged gullible that way, I could only grasp their environment and not the general public. More direct, aggressive Lennon counterattacked with "How Do You Sleep?" worded attack, little subtle, against Macca. Highlights verse "Everything that you was yesterday / And since you're just another day went" Apart from the obvious reference to "Yesterday" , that "Another Day" was a reference to single mellifluous that lingered between Paul McCartney "and " Ram ", one containing " Another Day / Oh Woman Oh Why ". Furthermore, in "How .." works the other important Beatle, George Harrison and accompany your text in the folder from where it appeared, "Imagine" , Lennon grabbed a photo where a pig, thus returning the course attack on all fronts. A Macca did not like this at all, in his opinion had Lennon misunderstood or charged too seriously, which was a general comment or without malice, but precisely this uncertainty by declaring, accuses him directly. The public, looking for a culprit to the dissolution of the Beatles, gave quite relevant to the subject, with Paul who took the most hates the barrage of criticism. Besides, Macca, the three Beatles who have, was the least so far had met the expectations placed on him. That aforementioned single was mediocre and his eponymous first solo album, with its improvised nature and domestic, with Paul playing all instruments, despite a modest great album was not well received. Around the same time the debut of Macca, Lennon and Harrison drew works succulent as "Plastic Ono Band" and "All Things Must Past" , respectively. So "Ram" is a reverse reaction about their debut, even with its share of charm and casual home like that, is an album carefully interpreted and implemented, the work of a great craftsman of pop. Recorded with a band including the battery, the future Wing, Denny Seiwell and guitarist Hugh McCracken, who has played on albums by Steely Dan and Paul Simon (curiously, work with Lennon "Double Fantasy" ) . Also is one of the most beautiful declarations of love for the art of another musician who has ever undertaken, since "Ram" is an album where Paul is fluent in the ways of his admired Brian Wilson. In fact, this in my peculiar triumvirate of great records by the Beach Boys recorded by themselves (complete with "Mustard" of Roy Wood and, incongruous as it may seem on paper, "California" Mr. Bungle). An act of sincere devotion and fan militancy, by a major composer of Macca, which would be unable cynical Lennon, who no doubt even humiliate their former idols remember its embarrassing performance (in all senses of the word) in the Toronto festival. There are many details that do not overlook a follower of the hermeneutics of the Word made sound, that is, the fan of Brian Wilson: Linda choirs where one is hoping that between the timbre of Mike Love ( "Smile Away" ), the vocalizations of different sounds from Paul, the daily letters, use any household item as percussion "Too Many People" , the hum to "Little Pad" of "Smiley" The simplicity with which they begin to leave complicated issues, etc. And of course punctuated by those delicious appetizers rustic glory of his praise Buddy Holly as "Heart of the Country" and "Eat at Home" or those rock'n'roll proud as "Three Legs" . That if Paul is in a state so brilliantly that it can not be classified, contemptuously, as a mere exercise in style, not reverb uses this production so characteristic of the Beach Boys and Phil Spector, although it has similarities moreover, with the home production of records as "Smiley Smile" or "Friends" . Another reference, this is the realism of the (ambitious) production of "Ram" , which some critics see as the first indie album! (You can hear echoes of this album in the whole Team Elephant 6) may be the best Rick Rubin, of "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" or Echo . Highlight spare parts in this kaleidoscopic work, it would be unfair. Songs that changed dramatically during their development without ever losing its casual charm, pop, and those that had to either give away Laura Nyro (on your knees!) Along the vast "Eli & The 13th Confession" . A test that everything Paul with his voice and everything goes well (like thick tone "Monkberry Moon Delight ") accompanied by the choirs of Linda, much more than merely ornamental. And some arrangements to play the disc unravels with helmets and enjoy their sounds, as these metals in crescendo to Strauss "Long Haired Lady" , the balance between the ragged tone of some songs and fleshy string arrangements such as "The Back Seat Of My Car" that seems just out of "Abbey Road" or just sounds that mix of "tattered" combined with details of Goldsmith (without ever falling in overproduction) having along its course. Faced with such cliché

rocker current grupete who get tattoos with skulls in flames before a grungy learned chord, the familiar attitude of Paul McCartney overtones takes to be considered even against the system ("authentic rock"). Poor Paul, instead of gorging on burgers and amphetamine and of trying to enter the Guinness stringing victories, is going to live in the country with Linda. There is dedicated to the Hare Krishna murga a pain in the ass like Harrison, or to amaze the crap that Lennon and Yoko mounted, no. Retreats to a place away from public life and turn to release albums on their own, without so much pressure, but not for those able to escape the label of wimp of smallholder ambitions, when in fact the country life you have chosen is the least bourgeois Paul imaginable. The syrupy Macca supposedly has among its many merits to have overcome the violence of Little Richard himself (there is nothing!), Rising eighth vocal part in a "Long Tall Sally" is like sticking your fingers in a plug. And is that Macca can howl like more wiry shouter, not a Axl Rose with more layers of overlapping voices Barry Manilow even get aggressive facet Paul your version of "Live & Let Die" . That truism that Paul is only an interpreter corny (although it is true) collapses to listen to rock'n'roll he recorded with the Beatles and solo songs as "Maybe I'm Amazed" , "Jet" , "Magneto and the Titanium Man" or "The Back Seat of My Car" final issue work at hand. What looks like a mini suite lounge leads us, when it seems that it has completed, with the unexpected entrance of an impetuous battery, orgiastic climax where Paul claims that individualistic axiom course seems to have forgotten the rock, repeating "Oh we would not can be wrong ".
"Ram" is an album that makes you address the work that is provided inside as is, without preconceptions, letting you drag and those fabulous tunes (his best collection?), a cornucopia of sounds that are thrown generously, as this easygoing guy you host at his rural home and makes you feel at home. Each song is dropped naturally and juice it takes to fill it. That is the message of the album, enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Air innocent or naive is just part of his concept, clearly defined right from the bucolic home (yes, that cover!) But is a work that can only come to maturity (both personal, you understand the meaning of life such as music, given its ability to combine with the complex naif.) Paul's followers have wanted to see in "Ram" the second chapter of a tetralogy similar to "Four Seasons" by Vivaldi (his debut would be a family winter, "Ram" a summer of fun, " Wild Life a rustic fall and "Red Rose Speedway" the birth of spring, but fall under his charms, just simply click "Ram On" and remember a child late summer, clay and drawings Animated, with the sun calling abroad.

Friday, October 8, 2010

What To Do If Scorpio Man Disappears


After a long wait, finally the Board of Admissions of the Constitutional Court declared admissible claim of unconstitutional decrees 1780 and 15, the Committee Latin America and the Caribbean for the rights of women CLADEM introduced last year.

Demand provides that the fact has been covered by executive decree the exercise of these constitutional rights, which are subject to Act, involves formal unconstitutionality by violating both the exclusive competence of the legislator and the procedure governed the Constitution. In addition to Article 1 of the Constitution, Ecuador is defined as a sovereign state, intercultural, multi-ethnic and secular.

Contrary to the above rule and constitutional doctrine, the Decrees Nos. 1780 and 15 establish that the national government held the contract with representatives of the Catholic missions, Apostolic Vicariate of Capuchin Aguarico; Josefina Vicariate Apostolic of Napo, Dominican Vicariate Apostolic of Puyo, Salesian-Vicariate Apostolic of Méndez, Comboni, Vicariate Apostolic of Esmeraldas-Carmelites Apostolic Vicariate Sucumbios; Franciscan Zamora - Vicariate Apostolic of Zamora, and Franciscan Apostolic Vicariate of Galapagos Galapagos, acting in accordance with Article 1, paragraph a) of Decree 1780 replaced by Decree 15, "work towards strengthening cultures, in search of economic development designed from the perspective own peoples and nationalities living in the territorial constituencies where their missions set within the framework of respect for constitutional principles and the rights of communities, contributing to the consolidation of the multinational state, thereby safeguarding the care and protection of nature or Pachamama, ancestral traditions, social organization and processes that reinforce their own identity. "
More information: Here

New U.s. Arabic Stamp

Day for the Decriminalization of Abortion in Latin America and the Caribbean

This September 28 Day for the Decriminalization of Abortion in Latin America. In Ecuador, a group of women showed up outside the Prosecutor of Pichincha with their bodies discovered demanding the decriminalization of abortion, also showed solidarity with the Women's Health Collective 098301317, information line on safe abortion with drugs, which was closed by the prosecution last Sept. 12, violating their right to provide information (Article 18 Constitution of Ecuador).

In our country the majority of women are poor and are exposed to unsafe abortions in secrecy and illegality, because the penalty abortion does not prevent women having abortions but exposes them to a black market that profits from their bodies and their desires. Demanding and require the Ecuadorian government and relevant authorities to decriminalize abortion in all its forms to ensure their rights.

The intention is also to open a debate on the reality front of abortion, leaving women at the center of this debate, that society begins to respect the decisions of women understand that this is a decision solely on them and that the State must ensure their health and life.